Diabetes is a familiar term, but have you ever heard of Diabetes 1.5? This sounds like a strange type, actually a special member of the diabetes family.
Diabetes type 1.5, clinically referred to as the adult hidden autoimmune diabetes (LADA). It is a diabetes mellitus that occurs in adults as a result of the immune system attack on β-cells in insulin. In other words, the immune system wrongly treats insulin β-cells as enemies and attacks have led to a decrease in insulin.
The early clinical manifestations of type 1.5 diabetes are very similar to type 2 diabetes, with signs of overdrinking, urinating, eating and weight loss. The difference is that the insulin function of type 1.5 diabetes patients will gradually decline and may eventually require insulin-dependent treatment. It is noteworthy that the rate of decline in insulin is between type 1 and type 2 diabetes (slower decline).
Diagnosis of type 1.5 diabetes is not easy because it is highly susceptible to being misdiagnosed to type 2 diabetes. As a rule, doctors perform diagnostics by combining the clinical performance of sugar alumni, insulin performance testing and insulin self-antibody testing. Of these, insulin self-antibody testing is particularly critical and is an important basis for diagnosing type 1.5 diabetes.
The main objective of treating type 1.5 diabetes is to reduce blood sugar and protect insulin function. At an early stage, diabetes patients can control blood sugar by oral sugar-reducing drugs such as diarrhea. However, as diabetes mellitus progresses, the insulin function declines and may eventually require insulin-dependent treatment.
In addition to drug treatment, the treatment of type 1.5 diabetes should include dietary adjustment, regular exercise and blood sugar monitoring. Diabetes patients should have low sugar, low fat, low salt and low heat diets, with more fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains. In addition, adequate physical exercise is equally important to increase insulin sensitivity and improve overall health.
Diabetes 1.5, although it sounds strange, can be better understood and managed by understanding its characteristics, diagnostic methods and treatments. If symptoms of diabetes occur, it is essential that medical treatment be made available in a timely manner and that further treatment be provided after a clear diagnosis.