As a broad spectrum antibiotics, roacin is often used for the treatment of multiple infections caused by sensitive bacteria, such as respiratory infections, skin soft tissue infections and urinary tract infections. In the course of treatment in community health services using erythroacin, patients and health-care providers may share a common sense and experience, as summarized below from different angles: This rapid and effective treatment has increased patients ‘ confidence in treatment. Access to medicines: Community health services often provide easy access to health care, including the availability of medicines and the interpretation of drug use methods. As oral tablets, erythroacin is relatively easy to carry and take and suitable for home-based self-management, reducing the problem of frequent transport to and from hospitals. The importance of attention: During the treatment of erythrin, the doctor will give details of possible side effects (e.g. gastrointestinal discomfort, allergies, etc.) and the importance of avoiding alcohol ingestion. Patients are becoming aware of the importance of complying with medical instructions, of reading the instructions carefully and of taking medications in accordance with the procedure. The value of communication between patients and patients: through interaction with doctors in community health service centres, patients not only receive treatment programmes, but also learn how to observe changes and provide timely feedback to doctors, which enhances their sense of involvement and responsibility in disease management. From the point of view of the health-care provider The rationality of the choice of medication: The medical staff reasonably chooses to treat with erythroacin, based on the patient ‘ s symptoms, medical history and the results of the laboratory examination, and reflects the concept of precision care. At the same time, they adjust the dose to ensure safe use, taking into account the age of the patient, liver and kidney function. The need for patient education: Health-care personnel in community health services often need to provide patients with information on the correct use of antibiotics, including the role mechanisms, drug cycles, potential side effects and preventive measures, which help to reduce drug resistance and improve treatment effectiveness. The advantages of community-based health care: Community health centres are more supportive of the provision of basic health services than large hospitals, are more relevant to the population and are more accessible to patients. In the course of roacin treatment, medical personnel are able to give patients more detailed, personalized care and guidance. Ongoing monitoring and adjustment: Medical personnel regularly follow up with patients, assess the effectiveness of treatment and adjust the treatment programme to the changing circumstances. This dynamic monitoring mechanism ensures continuity and effectiveness of treatment. In the light of the above, the application of erythroacin in community health services has not only brought substantial treatment to patients, but has also promoted effective communication and cooperation between patients and patients, reflecting the important role of primary care in chronic disease management and acute infection control. At the same time, the importance of rational use of medicines, patient education and continuous monitoring in improving the quality of health services was emphasized.
1. Prudent use of the liver if it is not fully functional. The half-life of the severe cirrhosis of the liver has been increased to more than two times the normal level, and if use is required, the drug 150 mg. is given once a day and no dose adjustment is required for mild kidney deficiencies.
2. Careful use by pregnant women and nursing mothers.
3. If there is no significant change in the dynamics of older persons, there is no need to adjust the dose.