Neonatal infections are those occurring within 28 days of birth, including within the womb, during childbirth and after birth. It is also mainly because the immune system of the newborn is not yet fully developed and is therefore more vulnerable to pathogen attacks, leading to infection and, in the event of infection, to timely treatment. 1. The causes of the infection in the newborn are intrauterine: During pregnancy, if the pregnant woman is infected with certain pathogens (e.g. rubella virus, megacell virus, bowworm, etc.), they can be transmitted to the foetus through placenta, resulting in intrauterine infections. In addition, when pregnant women suffer from untreated infectious diseases, pathogens may enter the foetus through blood circulation. Infection during childbirth: In the course of childbirth, the newborn child may be infected if the mother has bacteria or other pathogens in her reproductive tract. This is more common in cases of premature foetal membrane, prolonged delivery or reproductive tract infections. Post-natal infections: Newborn children are particularly vulnerable to infection, as the immune system is not fully developed, and they are less resistant to pathogens in the outside environment. Most common infections include respiratory, digestive and skin mucous membranes, umbilical cords, etc. For example, exposure to contaminated articles, inhalation of air with pathogens, ingestion of contaminated food or water can lead to neonatal infections. Symptoms of new-born infections The symptoms of new-born infections vary according to the area of infection and the pathogen. Common symptoms include: whole-body symptoms: fever, low temperature, no increase or decrease in body weight, sleep addiction, mental atrophy, convulsion, etc. Symptoms of the respiratory system: rapidness, difficulty in breathing, hair, cough, nodding like breathing, etc. Symptoms of the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal swelling, abdominal pain, reduced appetite, etc. Skin mucous membrane symptoms: red skin, rashes, yellow sting, etc. Symptoms of the nervous system: convulsions, comas, convulsions, etc. Serious infections can lead to complications such as sepsis, pneumonia, meningitis and even life-threatening conditions. The key to the prevention of neonatal infections is to strengthen health care during pregnancy, to avoid infection in pregnant women, and to reduce the risk of intrauterine infections is an important means of preventing infection in newborns. Specific measures include strengthening health care during pregnancy: pregnant women should undergo regular prenatal check-ups, timely detection of diseases and active treatment of infectious diseases. Maintain good living habits, a reasonable diet, increased immunity and careful rest. Attention to sterile practices during childbirth: Formal medical facilities should be chosen at the time of delivery to ensure a clean and hygienic environment. Doctors should be strictly sterile in order to avoid new infections. Maintaining the environmental hygiene of newborns: The living environment of newborns should be clean and well ventilated. Hands should be washed before exposure to newborns to avoid cross-infection. The products of the newborn child shall be used for the purpose of cleaning up and preventing the infection on a regular basis. Treatment of new-born infections is immediately available if there is a suspicion of new-born infections. The doctor conducts a preliminary diagnosis based on symptoms and signs and may require a laboratory examination of blood, urine, brain vertebrate, etc. to determine the pathogen. Treatment of new-born infections usually requires the use of antibiotics, but specific drugs and treatments need to be determined on the basis of pathogens and conditions. In the course of treatment, doctors closely monitor life signs and changes in the condition of the newborn and adjust the treatment programme in a timely manner. In sum, neonatal infections are a serious disease requiring timely diagnosis and treatment. Parents should pay close attention to the state of health of the newborn and should seek timely medical treatment for abnormal conditions. At the same time, improved health care during pregnancy and sterile practices during childbirth are key to preventing newborn infections.
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