The healthy spleen is an important concept in Chinese medicine. It refers to the robust spleen, which is able to effectively transport water valleys and maintain normal physiological functions of the human body. The following are some of the ways to achieve a healthy stomach from the perspective of Chinese medicine:
Timed Quantification: Eat on time, but hungry, keep the diet regular and contribute to the normal functioning of the spleen stomach.
A balanced diet: The diet should be diversified, with five grains of groceries, vegetables and fruits, meat and egg milk, etc. to supplement different nutrients.
Temperature is appropriate: it avoids cold, cold foods and damage to the acne.
Indigestion: Select food that is easily digestible and reduces intake of greasy, spicy, overhardy, etc.
Eating taboos: On the basis of individual health, avoid eating foods that are not suitable for themselves, such as cold, slimy, indigestion foods for people with a weak temper.
It’s normal.
Regularity: Sleep well enough to avoid staying up late, as the night is the time for a spleen to rest and repair.
Moderate exercise: Appropriate exercise enhances the function of the spleen stomach, such as walking, jogging, Tai Chi boxing, etc.
Avoiding fatigue: Exhaustion can take a temper, and therefore long periods of stress and physical fatigue should be avoided.
Love management.
Restraint: Unsettled emotions, especially negative emotions such as anxiety and anger, can affect the abdominal function.
Just relax: relax through meditation, yoga, listening to music, etc., and reduce stress.
Chinese medicine.
Good tempers: The usual Chinese medicine of good tempers are yellow fluents, party members, white arts, and so on.
Temperature spleen: Medicines such as ginger and cinnamon can be used for cold spleen.
Combination of spleen: Some stenching of spleen can be used, such as soup of four men, soup of six men, etc.
Acupuncture massage.
Acupuncture: The acupuncture function can be regulated by stimulating a specific position, such as a three-mile foot, a mid-square, a sky hub, etc.
Massage: The circulatory circulation of the abdominal abdomen can be facilitated and its function enhanced, especially through the massage of abdominal glands.
Other health methods
Acupuncture: Acupuncture has the function of acupuncture, simmering the sun, and suitable for people with cold stomachs.
Draw jars: The cans can be wet enough to spread the cold, and they can be of some help to the spleen-wetted population.
Scratch: Scratch can facilitate communication, air-blooding and the recovery of the abdominal function.
Accompaniment of the spleen requires a wide range of approaches, including diet, regular living conditions, emotional care, Chinese medicine, acupuncture massage and other health-care methods. These methods are based on the holistic view of Chinese medicine and the principle of cognisance, and are designed to restore and enhance the function of the stomach. Each person has a different body and circumstances, and it is therefore desirable that the above methods be implemented under the guidance of a professional physician in order to achieve the best results. Through continuous and integrated management, a healthy stomach can be effectively achieved, thus improving the quality of life and preventing disease.