Early signs of rheumatism.

Rheumatism is a chronic self-immunological disease, with early manifestations often associated with finger joints. Since the symptoms of the finger joints may be the initial signals of RA, understanding of these symptoms can help to identify and treat early and thus improve the prognosis. The following is a detailed analysis of the early performance of RA at finger joints.

1. Inflexibility in the morning

Characteristic description: RA patients often wake up in the morning with stiff fingers, which usually last more than 30 minutes or even hours. This inflexibility usually eases after the activity.

Mechanisms: The rigidity of the morning is caused by inflammation of joints and surrounding soft tissue. Inflammation leads to increased joint fluids and thicker shrubs, limiting the range of joints.

2. Symmetric joint swelling

Characteristic description: A typical characteristic of RA is symmetrical arteries, i.e., the same joints with the same hands both swelling and pain. The most commonly burdened joints are the PIP and the MCP.

Mechanisms: Immuno-system attacks on the arthropods, resulting in filamentitis and increased growth. This inflammation response causes the accumulation and swelling of joint fluids.

3. Artificial pain

Characteristics: Pain on the finger joint is a common early symptom of RA. Pain usually increases during rest periods and is reduced after activity. This is different from the performance of mechanical arthritis (e.g. osteoporosis), which increases pain after activity.

Mechanisms: Pain caused by lubricitis and the expansion of the joints. The release of the inflammation medium has stimulated the nerve ending around the joint.

4. Artificial pain

Characteristically: Pain when pressing a finger joint is an important sign of RA. It shows an active inflammation in the joint.

Mechanisms: Increased tactile sensitivity as a result of inflammation and growth of the glitch and increased pressure within the joint.

5. Joint deformation

Characteristic description: While joint deformation usually occurs later in the disease, in some early cases, the persistence of inflammation may result in slight joint deformities, such as swan neck deformities or button hole deformities.

Mechanisms: Persistent inflammation leads to the destruction of joint structures and the laxity of the fratricidal cord around them, which eventually leads to the deformity of the joint.

6. Functional limitations

Characteristics: due to pain and rigidity, patients may find it difficult to complete fine hand moves such as gripping, holding or rotating. This function is restricted to daily activities such as writing, buttoning or taking items.

Mechanisms: Inflammation leads to reduced joint activity and reduced muscle strength, affecting the flexibility and coordination of fingers.

Early symptoms of finger joints are important signs of rheumatism. Knowledge of these symptoms facilitates early identification and diagnosis, thus enabling patients to receive treatment in a timely manner. Patients should pay close attention to their own symptoms and, in case of suspected RA performance, consult in a timely manner for professional assessment and management. Through early intervention, patients can achieve better disease control and quality of life.

Rheumatism arthritis