What’s a weak stomach?

The spleen is weak, a Chinese medical term. The spleen is more general, and includes medical evidence of temperament, acne, spleen blood, abdominal fall, acne, acne, acne and acne. Among them, the temperament is the basic type of stomach weakness, and the temperamental testimony refers to the lack of temperament and the loss of the testimony of his transport. Many are caused by poor diets, overwork and chronic illness. The term “temporal” is derived from the Inner Book, such as the article “70 years old, temperamental, skin dead” in The Hub. This was followed by an in-depth study and exercise by medical practitioners of false evidence of temperament, which indicated that spleen was the source of blood and blood and that it was not natural. In case of incompetence or incompetence, or if it is not natural, or if it is food-inhabiting, or if it is food-inconsistent, or if it is over-exhausted, with a long period of anxiety or with a long period of stress, or if it is old or ill, after a long period of illness, it does not recover, or if it fails to provide for it, it can lead to a loss of temper, a breakdown in the functioning of the process, a loss of abated blood, and a loss of temper. One: Clinical signs of spleen and stomach weakness Common clinical manifestations of spleen and stomach weakness: longer pathologies, light-weight discharges, or end-of-spills, low-stench, indigestion food residues, lax diets, high-eating, high-eating, low-eating, low-temperatured, low-temperature. In the case of cynicism, it can be seen that the abdomen are full, the food is poor, the food is not good, even the food is not good, the poop is thin, the mental condition is weak, the body is thin, the body is tired, the body is lazy, the face is yellow or white, the body is swollen, the tongue is pale and the pulse is weak and weak. In the case of a spleen, it can be seen that the abdominal abdomen are low, the abdominal abdomen are stinging, the body is warm, the limbs are cold and the poop is thin and thin. The body is heavy, the body is swollen, the urine is unfavourable, or the white belt is thin. Tequila fat, moss smooth. The veins are weak. In the case of a spleen, it is shown that it is weak, blood-deficit, low visible food, abdominal swelling, defecation, physical fatigue, low-altitude rhetoric, yellow colour, low-tempered tongue and weak pulse. One is a variety of haemorrhage symptoms, such as constipation, urine blood, months passed, leaks, etc. A person who has blood but has a spleen, who has blood in the form of shit, blood mixed with blood, or before, blood in the form of blood, blood in the form of blood in the form of blood, blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of death, blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood in the form of blood of the blood of the blood of the blood of the blood of the blood of the blood of the blood of the blood of the blood, blood of the blood of the blood of the blood of the This can be seen in the form of a mid-temporal fall: light and white, dizziness and sweat, shortness, weariness, little food, defecation, abdomen, abdomen, frequency, urination like rice. Most are found in conditions such as stomach, kidney, uterine, anal and chronic diarrhoea. In the case of dry lips, loud noise, dry vomiting, reduced diet or bad swallowing, discomfort at the back of the chest, dryness, dryness of the larvae centre of the tongue, low moss, or radial light, drying of the tongue, fine number of veins, etc. In the case of a cold spleen, it is visible that the stomach is sore, sore, sore, soothing, soothing, sore in the abdomen, sore in the stomach, sore in the stomach, sore in the stomach, sore in the stomach, sore in the stomach, sore in the stomach, sore in the stomach, sore in the stomach, sore in the stomach, sore in the stomach, sore in the stomach, sore in the stomach, sore in the stomach, sore in the stomach, sore in the stomach, sore in the stomach, sore in the stomach, sore in the stomach, sore in the stomach, sore in the stomach, sore in the stomach, sore in the cold or cold, sore in the cold, sore in the cold, sore in the stomach, soak in the water, soak in the mouth, sore in the mouth, soak in the water. 1. The principle of treatment and prevention for patients with spleen and stomach weakness. 2. Precautionary principle: The general dietary requirements for a spleen with a weak stomach, if a man with a cold spleen or a cold stomach pain, abdominal abdominal abdominal abdominal abdominal abdominal abdomen, etc., shall be more edible onions, ginger, americ, garlic, pepper, etc. And if the man has a weak temper, he may eat the date, the mountain medicine, the lentils, the sapling, and the meat of the fruit. And those whose stomachs are warm, such as pear, pear, sugar cane, honey, etc. If a patient whose aerobics are inhibited is more likely to eat radish, mussels, or oranges, or to make them out of oranges, a spleen and stomach disease is mentioned. 3. Living together: (1) To maintain a sense of spiritual well-being and to avoid mental trauma caused by excessive fatigue, grief, grief, terror, stress and other factors. (ii) Less use of the brain before eating, more attention to eating, rest after eating, and a good lifestyle. (3) Take care of the warmth, especially of the abdomen, and often wear a cotton belly when necessary. In the summer, there is no need to live in the cold. (4) Physical exercise, physical enhancement, appropriate internal gas, health-care and Tai Chi.

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