Vesicoitis is a common disease of the urology system, mainly caused by bacterial infections of bladder mucous membranes, and the following are common treatments.
I. General treatment
Drink more water: Increased water intake is an important part of the treatment of bladderitis. It is recommended that patients drink at least 2,000 ml of water per day, which can produce enough urine, which can wash their bladders and help to remove bacteria and inflammation in the bladder. It’s like washing a container with liquid water that can take away the dirty stuff inside. Furthermore, drinking more water can reduce the irritation of bladder infections, urination emergencies and urine pains.
Rest: Patients need to ensure adequate sleep and rest, and the body is better able to mobilize the immune system against infection in a resting state. Overwork can reduce physical resistance and discourage the recovery of bladderitis. Patients are generally advised to ensure seven to eight hours of sleep per day.
Adapting diet: In terms of diet, the consumption of spicy, irritating food such as peppers, peppers, ginger, etc. should be avoided. These foods can stimulate bladder mucous membranes, leading to increased bladder constriction and increased symptoms such as urination, excrement and urination pain. More light, digestible foods, such as vegetables (e.g., broccoli, spinach), fruits (e.g., apples, bananas) and other vitamin-rich foods, should be eaten, which help to increase body immunity and promote body recovery.
II. Drug treatment
Antibiotic treatment: Antibiotics are the main therapeutic drug for bladderitis caused by bacterial infections. The doctor selects the appropriate antibiotics based on experience or the results of urine culture and drug-sensitive tests. In the case of pure bladderitis, commonly used antibiotics include fururanate, phosphorin, etc. Furan progeny can be effective in inhibiting common pathogens, such as enteric eschacteria, with high concentrations in urine and good treatment for bladder mucous inflammation. Phosphthalcin has a wider antibacterial spectrum, inhibits various bacteria and has relatively small side effects. The course of treatment for antibiotics is usually 3-7 days, depending on the severity of the condition and the individual response of the patient. In the course of treatment with antibiotics, the patient must take the medication strictly in accordance with the medical instructions and must not take the medication off his or her own, so that the bacteria do not produce resistance.
alkaline urine: The use of alkaline urine can also mitigate the symptoms of bladderitis. For example, sodium carbonate increases the pH of urine, and in alkaline environments some bacteria grow and reproduce. At the same time, alkaline urine can reduce the acidity of bladder irritation and the symptoms of urine pain. Patients can adjust the acidity of urine by oral sodium carbonate tablets, as recommended by doctors.
Plant formulations: Some plant formulations can also be used for paravetological treatment of bladderitis. For example, sawn leaves and berries can reduce the inflammation of bladder mucous membranes and improve urination symptoms associated with bladderitis. It works mainly through inflammation and oxidation.
III. bladder injection treatment
In some cases, bladder infusion treatment may be considered when the hemorrhaging of the mesothelia or bladder mucus is more severe. This treatment consists of direct injection of drugs into the bladder through a catheter, so that the drugs can function fully within the bladder.
The usual injection drugs have sodium transparent acid, which forms a protective film on the surface of the bladder mucous membrane, reduces urine’s irritation of the bladder mucous membrane and promotes the restoration of bladder mucous membrane. There are also drugs such as BCG, which can treat bladderitis by regulating the immune function of bladder mucous membranes, although BCG injections may cause some adverse effects, such as increased bladder irritation, fever, etc., which require close observation of the patient ‘ s response.
IV. Physicotherapy
Heat dressing: Heat dressing can be used to alleviate pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen caused by bladderitis. The patient can use a hot water bag or a hot towel in the lower abdomen for 15 – 20 minutes per heat, which can take 3 – 4 times a day. Thermal dressing can contribute to local blood circulation and reduce bladder inflammation and inflammation, thereby alleviating pain.
Bathing: Bathing is also an effective physiotherapy method, especially for women. Patients can sit in warm water, with water temperature at around 40 – 45 degrees Celsius, taking a bath of 15 – 20 minutes each, one or two times a day. By taking a bath, the blood circulation around the vagina and bladder can be improved and the inflammation response reduced.
In the treatment of bladder infections, patients need to follow closely their own symptoms. If the symptoms persist or there are symptoms such as fever and backaches, it may be that the infection has spread to other parts of the kidney, requiring timely medical treatment and adjustment of treatment programmes. At the same time, in order to prevent re-emergence of bladder disease, patients must also be careful to maintain good living habits and personal hygiene after treatment.