The rheumatism of the moon says that the guacamole is also false? It’s misleading.

Modern people live and work under greater stress, and more and more people suffer from back pain.

You can refer to our ex-Kop: “The rheumatism moon says, “Be careful when you have a back pain and a kidney soup.”

In fact, the back pain is related to bad positions and daily living habits. However, some of the back pains are not better than rest and exercise, such as the “circular osteoporosis” that is often misdiagnosed as a direct spinal disease.

What’s incisive bone?

Enrichment osteoporosis is a non-specific inflammation that is characterized by the sclerosis of the bone, most of which takes place at the hips, and is therefore referred to as “synthetic osteoporosis”.

It is common for women aged 20 to 40 years of childbearing age, in the form of chronic, intermittent back sores, pains that can spread to one or both sides of the hip and thigh, but do not radiation in the direction of the sciatica.

The pain is often increased after walking, standing, burdening or labour, and reduced after rest. An X-line or CT examination can be seen in the absence of a bone sorghum, with a clear bone-massed cord on an evenly thick white edge.

Why do you have mystic bone?

Although the disease can be found in a small number of men and women who have not given birth, it generally occurs in the late pregnancy of women of childbearing age, especially after childbirth.

It can also be found in urinary roads or women’s accessories to chronic infections, or other infections in the pelvis. The injury to the hip can also cause the disease.

As a result, more consideration is given to pregnancy, mechanical labour, trauma and pelvic inflammation.

The mechanism for the occurrence of incisive osteoporosis was not clear, as it was first raised in 1931 in connection with pregnancy, and later studies have been conducted to assume that the disease may be related to uterus-pressed abdominal artery at the time of pregnancy, leading to abdominal deficiency.

There are also studies of the degradation and inflammation of the hips as a result of the mechanical oppression of pregnancy.

How to distinguish the incisive bone.

With direct spinalitis?

(b) Pro-emergence population: Stronger than young men, and better for women who have given birth, both in the post-pregnancy period and after childbirth.

Paralytic pain characteristics: severe and general pain is accompanied by a cold morning and inflammatory pain, which is reduced after activity and aggravated after rest. The disease is aggravated after the activity and reduced after rest.

(a) Imagery: the straight joints of a strong are generally subject to a destructive change, with a narrow or intrusive change of the joints, and the incisive osteoporosis of the osteoporosis, without a disruptive change, and the joints are normal.

So, is it likely that the incisive osteoporosis can’t be contained and that it will eventually turn into a direct spinal disease?

According to Dr. Yellow Skull, the two diseases are completely different and, although it is not possible to exclude the possibility of both diseases at the same time, the probability is very low and there is no need to worry about the mutual transformation of the two diseases.

And how do we treat it right?

• According to Western medicine

The disease is self-restrictive and over time it tends to improve or heal. However, if the patient has serious symptoms and even affects life, intervention is required.

Clinical treatment is mainly for symptoms, which can relieve pain through bed rest, physiotherapy, etc., while moderate-heavy patients can be treated with non-diarrhea anti-inflammation or partial confinement.

• According to Chinese doctors

The Chinese doctor considers the disease to be a “penal pain” or a “paralytic certificate”, which is characterized by a lack of health or a loss of blood or a loss of blood, a loss of liver and kidneys, a breakdown of the rib, dysentery and typhoid and typhoid attacks, wind, cold, paralytic obstruction, poor flow of blood and lack of general pain.

The main components of the renal renal blood soup are corroded yellow, stale meat, twigs, twigs, and twigs, tonics and tonics;

(b) Tutong, hustling, tiring, renal, renal, fertilizing and strong bones;

The latter, the red flowers, the unmedicated, the living blood, the living, and the bruising, the solo, the wind and the wet, and the cold.

The drugs are used in combination with work, and in combination with the line, to supplement the liver and kidneys, and to strengthen the bones, so that the blood is scattered and the cold spreads so that pain can be overcome.

In addition, women should be careful to take appropriate rest in their daily lives, so as to avoid having to carry their children and carry the burden on their waists for long periods of time.

Carnation: This is based on the sharing of diseases and is not a substitute for hospital visits. Comments are for reference purposes only, and medical advice is required for specific treatments.


[1] Seo Donghua. What’s Cyclastic Osteoporosis [J]. Home medicine 2010:61-61.

[2] Chan Chi-jin, Wu Wei-ming, Zhang Sai. Clinical efficacy analysis of the combination of Chinese and Western medicine for the treatment of incisive osteoporosis[2] J]. Channel Pharmacology 2012: 232-233.