What are the symptoms of early cervical cancer?

Your browser does not support the video tab. Early cervical cancer may not have visible symptoms. As the disease progresses, the common symptoms are vaginal haemorrhage, such as post-sexual haemorrhage, post-menopausal haemorrhage, etc.; the increase in white belts, which can be white or blood-like, thin as water or rice, and smelly; and, when cancer tissues die and then infection occurs, there is a large number of pussy or rice soup-like stench. In cases of tumour attacks on the surrounding tissues and organs, late-stage patients have symptoms such as frequent urination, urinary distress, urinary pain, pain in the lower limbs, constipation, dysentery and dysentery, which, in serious cases, can lead to tubal blockage, renal acupuncture or even urine poisoning.