Patients with genuine erythrocyte amplification are generally not recommended for consumption in clinical settings, but only if they take care of their diet can they contribute to improved treatment. But what exactly does cold food mean? How should patients avoid it? The Association of True-Red Friends believes in the public sign: zkxy1201, which is cold: cold foods such as ice cream, ice cream, cold drinks, cold vegetables, which may be incentivizing for the stomach of patients, are not recommended for use by patients with actual red cell hyperplasia. In daily life, efforts are also made to heat up food, for example, for patients who like apples, who can try to steam or cook apples. 2 The properties are cold: in addition to the foods that are cold, there are also those that are cold, such as watermelons, crabs, ducks, rabbits, green beans, winter melons, etc. If such food is not strictly taboo or allergic, it can be less edged and heated to ensure the nutritional balance of the patient. In addition to cold foods, foods such as thaws should not be eaten to prevent the occurrence of high urine acids and gouts. In other words, it is recommended that the diet of people with genuine erythrocyte amplification should be low, nutritional, warm, free from raw, cold, and nitrous. As a result, the dietary mix of patients with genuine erythrocyte amplification needs to be considered in a comprehensive manner and, if they have uncertainty, they can first ask their attendings. It is now dry in the winter, and in addition to a good mix of diets, additional moisture is required to promote blood circulation and avoid drying.
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