Ankylosing Spondylitis, known as AS, is a chronic inflammatory disease, which mainly infringes the middle axial bones, such as the spine and pelvis, causing pain and rigidity. However, the effects of direct spinal disease are not limited to the joints, but may also be manifested in a variety of extra-joint symptoms. Excursion of the direct spinal disease is described below.
Eye symptoms. Some 30 per cent of AS patients have eye inflammation, as shown by red eyes, swelling, pain and blurred vision. Serious cases can lead to loss of sight or even blindness. In addition, patients with direct spinal diseases may suffer from eye diseases such as iris and retina.
Cardiovascular symptoms Among them, aortic valves are more common, and patients may suffer from dysentery, heart attack and aerobic symptoms. Heart-transmission retardation can lead to heart disease or even sudden death.
Respiratory system symptoms Patients may suffer from respiratory difficulties, coughs, breast depression, etc. Long-term respiratory impairments can lead to a reduction in lung function, and serious cases can develop into diseases such as emphysema and pulmonary heart disease.
IV. Symptoms of the digestive system Some patients with direct spina can be associated with the digestive system, such as diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal pain, etc. These symptoms may be associated with intestinal inflammation, such as ulcer coliitis, cronosis, etc. intestinal inflammation can lead to complications such as malnutrition and anaemia.
V. Symptoms of the genital urinary system. These symptoms may be associated with spinal inflammation of pony neurological, prostate, etc.
Skin symptoms
It is rare, but some patients may show the following:
Stinging pain: The patient may experience needle pain in the skin, especially in the waist, hip, etc. Skin ulcer: A few patients have skin ulcer, most of them in heel, sole, etc. Skin hardening: Skin hardening may occur in some patients, in the form of tight skin and reduced elasticity.
VII. Symptoms in the body.
Weaknesses: Patients are often weak and may be associated with chronic inflammation consumption. Heat: Some patients have low heat, with higher body temperature of 37.5°C-3
Between 8.5°C.
Skinnyness: Chronic inflammation causes people to lose their appetite, which leads to wasting. Anaemia: Patient spinal disease can be associated with anaemia, manifested in paleness and indigence.
In sum, the ecstasy of direct spina is manifested in many ways, involving multiple systems and organs. The knowledge of these extra-junior symptoms helps the clinicians to conduct a comprehensive assessment and targeted treatment of patients. When the patient is suffering from the symptoms described above, he/she should be alert to the possibility of direct spinal disease and be treated in a timely manner in order to avoid delay. At the same time, patients should maintain good living habits, actively exercise and improve their own immunity in order to reduce the impact of the disease on their quality of life.