Nasal and nasal cancer is one of the most common malignant tumours in the country, with the second highest incidence of stomach and colon cancer. Nasal cancer occurs mainly in the South-East Asian region, with the highest incidence in the provinces of Guangdong and Fujian.
It is classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as malignant tumour I.
Nasal carcinoma is closely related to poor living habits, and chronic high levels of smoking, alcohol addiction and lack of attention to dietary hygiene and environmental pollution are important factors in the occurrence of nasal cancer, as well as genetic factors, which account for 60 per cent and 70 per cent, and the confluence of genetic and environmental factors may be one of the main causes of nasal cancer.
Early symptoms of nasal osteoporosis are mainly slugs and aldicarb blood, which are often less visible and easily ignored; aldicarb and nasal cavity are concentrated in the morning or after eating, with some cases of one-sided osteoporosis or swollen neck, and others of headaches, lymph nostrils, etc.
1. Early nasal plugs are typically single-sided or can also be double-sided.
Most cases of nasal carcinoma have one side of the nose plug, or both sides of the nasal plug, or one side of the nose plug. Patients with nasal carcinoma are often associated with the impairment of the porcelain function, which results in drum amplification fluids, repeated nasal plugs or ringing, reduced hearing, etc. Symptoms of ear ringing, deafness and hearing loss may also occur.
2. Aldicarb blood
Aldicarb is one of the most typical symptoms of nasal cancer, usually intermittent, single-side or double-side aldicarb, and in smaller quantities. Snotlout is generally of a continuing nature, and some patients may have snot. It is later when the colour of aldicarb is changed from red to dark red.
Headaches are one of the most common symptoms of nasal larvae cancer, which can cause headaches when the neurological condition of the nasal larvae is violated or repressed. Early nasal larynx cancers are characterized by intermittent and perceptive headaches, and later by persistent severe pain. Some of the patients in treatment can also suffer from headaches. In addition, symptoms such as headaches on one side and swelling of the neck can be observed to some extent because of the tumours which oppress the surrounding tissue.
4. Sound and hearing loss
Symptoms such as ear inflammation, hearing loss, etc., were caused by the tumor blocking the drums. In addition, when tumours infringe on hearing nerves, they cause deafness and ringing. Patients with late-stage nasal and osteoporosis often experience a decrease in their hearing.
5. Nasal osteoporosis
Some of the patients, without any reason, have a sense of osteoporosis and, in some cases, even of hearing loss. The disease can be detected by a vase tube screening. The fluid is found when the patient is doing the stinging. This is due to ear, nose and throat diseases, such as tumours blocking the entrance of the drums or tumours violating the drums or sept ear inflammation, which cause the endocrines of the nasals to flow from the tube to the ear, giving rise to an ostrich sense of the ear.
Re-activated nasal syndrome
Re-activated nasal syndrome is mainly due to the growth of tumours in the nasal and the violation of the larvae, the larvae tissue and the trachea. Re-emergence of nasal cancer is diet-related, mostly due to long-term smoking and alcohol consumption, with large-scale drinking and large-scale smoking leading to re-emergence. The current treatment for nasal larynx cancer consists mainly of surgery, treatment and chemotherapy. The aim of the surgical treatment is to eliminate the tumours completely and to reduce the rate of relapse; the primary treatment for chemotherapy is local re-emergence transfer stoves to prevent the spread of cancer cells.
7. Cervical lymph nodes transfer, like brain transfer
The most common cases of lympho transfer of lymphatic lymphoma in the nasal larvae are around 50% – 70% of those who have lyphine cancer, while lymphoma lymphoma transfer is the most frequent and most common clinical expression. In general, lymphoma swollen and lymphoma swollen, with corresponding manifestations as the disease progresses or is transferred to the brain: 1) one-sided swelling; 2) increased continuity; 3) increased activity; 4) fixed, e.g. inflexibility when touching hands. Brain transfer accounts for about 30 per cent of lymph nodes in the neck.
The above symptoms are often the main symptoms of early nasal osteal cancer, and if more than three symptoms are to be treated in a timely manner, a doctor is requested to examine the relevant questions in detail. The treatment of nasal cancer is now conducted in both surgical and therapeutic settings. The most effective treatment for nasal cancer is surgery, which is currently used in a number of hospitals in the country and has a significant effect; it can effectively increase the patient ‘ s survival rate for five years after a nasal surgery, while it is small, painful, quick to recover, with few complications and better long-term treatment.