After colon cancer, we have to be careful of these things.

Following the end of chemotherapy after colon cancer, patients need to pay attention to a wide range of issues to promote recovery and prevent relapse. The following are key concerns:

Eating adjustments

Avoiding irritating foods: chemotherapy can damage gastrointestinal mucous membranes and should therefore avoid eating overspicious or irritating foods in order to prevent gastrointestinal reaction and affect treatment effects.

Balanced nutrition: Increased intake of protein, vitamin and mineral-rich foods such as fish, skinny meat, eggs, milk, beans and fresh fruit and vegetables to promote healing and physical recovery.

Gradual transition to diet: a gradual transition to a normal diet, based on medical advice, from fluent, semi-fluent to soft food, to avoid over-oiled and indigestion food.

Periodic review and monitoring

Periodic review: post-chemical treatment should be followed by periodic reviews, including laboratory and video examinations, to understand the effects of chemotherapy and early detection and transfer of cancer.

colonoscopy: It is recommended that colonoscopy examinations be conducted every 3-5 years, especially for groups with family history and high-risk groups, to detect and deal with potential abnormalities at an early stage.

Life and Sport

(c) Good working practices: Rational organization of work and life, avoiding overwork and ensuring adequate sleep for the recovery of body function.

Motivation: Soft abdominal massage under the supervision of a doctor and appropriate lower limb activity, with the avoidance of intense exercise to prevent the healing of wounds. An appropriate amount of motion promotes blood circulation, prevents the formation of a deep vein and accelerates the recovery of intestinal function.

Drugs and psychological support

Medically prescribed use of drugs: after an operation, medications such as painkillers, iron, etc. are used to alleviate post-operative pain, to combat anaemia, to reduce discomfort and to promote recovery.

Psychological support: Issues such as physical discomfort and emotional depression may arise during chemotherapy, requiring timely psychological support and assistance, maintaining optimism and contributing to the recovery of physical health.

V. Other care (key to preventing re-emergence of colon cancer)

1. Prevention of infection: chemotherapy reduces immunity and leads to infection. During chemotherapy care needs to be taken to be hygienic and to avoid exposure to the environment and people with viruses or bacteria, such as hand washing, masking, etc.

2. Weight control: There is a correlation between overweight or obesity and the occurrence of colon cancer, which can reduce the risk of colon cancer by controlling body weight and thus prevent its recurrence. It is recommended that normal weight be maintained in a combination of balanced diet and appropriate exercise.

3. Avoiding tobacco and alcohol: Harmful substances in alcohol and tobacco increase the risk of colon mucous cell damage and lead to malformation, requiring smoking cessation and limiting alcohol to reduce the likelihood of re-emergence of colon cancer.

In the light of the above, patients who have completed post-contestary chemotherapy require special attention in terms of diet, periodic review, living conditions, medication and psychological support, among others. By following these care, patients can recover their health more quickly and reduce the risk of a relapse into cancer.

Oncological rehabilitation corridors in December 2024 (consultations are provided free of charge on a temporary basis until the end of this month)

We’re looking for 80 oncology patients, and we have a clinical teacher with a professional Chinese-Western medical team of specialists to help you analyze the situation, so that you can get a real picture of the tumor.

# Don’t forget, ask attention #

I’ll teach you a good way to get rid of the disease!