Microvascular decompression solves the facial twitch, and she smiles with confidence!

Ms. Wang, 56 years old, who lived in Shaanxian, was given microvascular relief by Professor Wang Zhuang, who is suffering from a neuropsychiatric disease, and now, two months after the surgery, the strangulation symptoms on the left face have disappeared and have not since been performed.

Two years on the left side, only under the left eye, four or five times a day, slowly feeling the left side of the mouth is jumping, and the frequency of convulsions is increasing, and there is a feeling of strangulation at any time and at any time, and there has been a previous seizure of Camassipine, Metamine, Vitamin B6, but this has not worked well, and it is now seriously affecting normal life, as the disease progresses.

In order to further the treatment, Professor Wang Zian gave a presentation on the following: firstly, there are signs of an uninvolved twitch in the eye, mouth horn and even half-faced face, which is called a facial spasm, which is a symmetrical disease, which increases in the small space, during emotional stress, and is effective in the initial treatment of medication, but with the progress of the condition, the effects of the medication are not good, and the total dystrophy of the face muscle spasm requires an understanding of how the disease was obtained, with two neurons called facial hearing neurons, facial neuromanagement, hearing neuromas management, both of which go hand-in-hand; and, in connection with the disease, the aneurological tumor is associated with an an an aneural aneurym with an an aneurological aneurological ailation, a bending to hold the position of the nerve brain, and the muscle sprain is the first.

As a function of the long-term operation of a facial convulsion, the nerve wears “clothes” outside, called marrows, to protect the nerve, but because of the long time that the blood vessels have to wear, grinding and grinding the “clothes” outside of the nerve, we call them, in medical terms, demigod, which leads to a nervous, vascular, like a short-wire circuit, which is tied together, followed by a vascular strangulation, which directly stimulates the nerves, and causes facial strangulation and jump symptoms.

There are currently three types of treatment for facial spasm:

The first is: medication, divided into anti-eclampsia drugs and nutritional neuropharmaceuticals; epilepsy drugs, such as Camassipins and Okassipins; and nutriental neuropharmaceuticals, such as Mecobalamine, Valverin and Vitamin B, but the overall effect of the drug on the treatment of facial muscle spasms is poor.

The second is acupuncture, acupuncture, acupuncture, acupuncture, which is strutting a nerve, causing a mild neurological damage to the nerve and creating a so-called mild paraplegia; meat toxin, which is the direct closure of our facial nerve, has the disadvantage of having a short time limit of about two to three months, not exceeding six months; and the advantage is that it is easy to operate again.

Third: Microvascular repressure treatment, part of the operation: a cut of about 3 cm inside the hairline behind the side ear, which separates the facial nerve and the responsible blood vessels by means of a gasket, and removes the reason for the convulsion from the face for the purpose of root healing.

Surgery has the advantage of having the most efficient method of removing roots, with more than 95 per cent of patients being able to be fully cured and with the lowest rate of relapse.

In today ‘ s highly medically developed world, the success rate of surgery for facial spasms is increasing, and the number of surgical complications is decreasing. In addition to the surgical techniques of the performer, the application of advanced equipment to ensure the efficacy of the operation to avoid complications is associated with pre-operative visual examinations and electrophysiological monitoring of the operation.

MRI scans clearly identify whether the responsible blood vessels and nerves have cycling, determine whether they have primary or secondary causes, and provide conditions for the development of surgical programmes.

Electrophysiological monitoring in surgery is like an identification system, in which when a suspicious “responsible” blood vessels are depressed, the monitoring system observes in real time the abnormality of the skin spasm patients, and as soon as the “responsible” blood vessels are found, the monitoring system immediately discovers that it is easy to find the veins and fully depress them. It has also reduced the excessive search for blood vessels and significantly reduced neuronal harassment, thus reducing the occurrence of common complications such as hearing loss, facial palsy, etc.