The probabilities of acute hysteria transmission to families depend on a number of factors, including the mode of transmission, the immunity of family members and the availability of preventive measures. The following is a detailed analysis of this issue:
I. Modes of transmission and probability
Sexual exposure transmission:
Shrimp is transmitted mainly through sexual contact, with a rate of transmission of about 80 per cent for sexual contact with shrimp patients.
Without sexual contact between family members, there is a lower probability of transmission through this means.
Indirect exposure to infection:
A small number of patients may suffer from diseases caused by contact with objects used by the patient, such as underwear, underwear, towels, bathing basins, toilet circles, etc.
More than 50 per cent of all patients are at risk of infection if they are in contact with personal effects used by acutely wet snails.
As a result, family members are at risk of infection if they come into contact with the patient ‘ s personal effects.
Mother-to-child transmission:
Infant larynx papilloma during delivery, etc.
There is a risk of transmission to the foetus if there is a pregnant woman in the family and an acute hyena.
Immunization of family members
The immunity of family members is also an important factor influencing the likelihood of transmission. The HPV virus is more likely to be infected when family members have low levels of immunity or have diseases of the immune system.
III. Preventive measures
Patients and family members should take care of personal hygiene in their daily lives and avoid sharing private goods such as towels, towels, baths, etc.
Keep the family environment clean, regularly disinfected and reduce the duration of the virus ‘ s survival in the environment.
Avoid sharing with families items that may be in contact with the private sphere, such as toilets (recommended to use a one-time toilet kit).
In the event of symptoms in the family, medical treatment, professional examination and treatment should be provided in a timely manner. A doctor, jrsys, can be added and free of charge online.
Nanjing Yuja Institute of HIV Medicine published a paper in the Chinese Journal of Sex Sciences, 2019, on the use of patented Chinese prescriptions to treat a huge anal cylindrical hysteria.
Nanjing Yuja Institute of Viral Neoplasm Medicine published a paper in 2021, Chinese Journal of Sex Sciences: An example of an ex-baptation therapy for sharp-wetting children