Syphilis myocardia: an infectious heart complication that cannot be ignored

Syphilis myocardia: an infectious heart complication that cannot be ignored

In our daily lives, infection is a common health problem. However, when the infection develops to a critical level, it can cause a series of life-threatening complications, one of which is sepsis myocardia.

As a doctor, I would like to help to better understand the disease and to raise awareness about prevention.

I. What is sepsis? Septic myocardiology, in short, is a disease of sepsis (a serious whole-body infection) irritation and myocardial myocardial disorders. In cases of sepsis, the full-body inflammation response from the infection can damage multiple organs, and the heart as an important pumping organ is not immune to contagion. The constrictive and constrictive function of the carer ‘ s muscles is affected and may cause heart failure or even death in serious cases.

II. Clinical performance of sepsis myocardiology includes, inter alia, the following: 1. Heart symptoms: a patient often suffers from arrhythmia, arrhythmia, respiratory difficulties, which may be associated with heart acoustic noises, anorexia, lack of strength, etc.2; biochemical abnormalities: myocardial enzymes Levels are usually higher than normal, in particular the potential increase in myocardial calcium proteins, prompting cardiac cell damage 3, cardiac abnormalities: reduction of cystular constriction by more than 50 per cent, expansion of the left heart chamber, and hemodynamic changes such as dyslexia of the left cardiocardial convulsion, 4 changes in hemodynamics: decrease in heart output, decrease in heart index, increase in pulmonary wedge pressure, change in overall vascular resistance, etc., reflecting abnormal heart pump blood function and vascular tension

The treatment of sepsis myocardiosis includes, inter alia, the following aspects: 1. Anti-infection treatment: the use of antibiotics to control infection, which is the basis for the treatment of sepsis myocardiosis, should begin as early as possible and adjust the type of antibiotics to the results of the drug-sensitive tests. 2. Maintenance of the stability of blood pressure: to ensure the stability of blood pressure, to provide active rehydration and to use pressure medication for patients with low blood pressure. Reduce cardiac oxygen consumption: Control body temperature, correct oxygen deficiency and lower heart load to mitigate myocardial muscle damage. Nutritional myocardium: After infection control, trophic myocardial drugs such as accelerol Q10 and triphosphate glands are used to promote myocardial cell recovery. 5. Device Auxiliary treatment: For patients with severe heart impairments, external aids such as artificial membrane lung, outer membrane pulmonary oxidation may be required to improve the heart function and correct overall oxygen deficiency. 6. The potential for multi-stealer failure following sepsis infection should be integrated in the maintenance of whole-body body body function to promote heart recovery.

The key to the prevention of sepsis myocardia is the prevention of sepsis itself and its associated complications: 1. Increased immunity: increasing physical resistance and reducing the risk of pathogen intrusion through appropriate exercise, such as jogging, swimming, etc., and maintaining regularity. 2. Control of infectious diseases: sepsis is contagious, and patients should be quarantined in a timely manner and avoid contact with the infected and take protective measures. 3. Attention to personal hygiene: maintenance of a clean environment, regular disinfection, hand-washing, food hygiene and the avoidance of the consumption of unclean food. 4. Management of basic diseases: for patients with severe endocrine metabolic disorders, organ transplants, etc., basic conditions should be improved, complications reduced and cross-infection prevented. 5. Timely access to health care: medical treatment should be provided in a timely manner in order to avoid a deterioration of the condition in the event of symptoms such as temperature abnormalities, increased heart rate and acute respiratory distress.

Septic cardiopathy is a serious infectious heart complication that poses a major threat to the life and health of the patient. We can better prevent and treat the disease by understanding its incidence, clinical performance, diagnostic methods and treatment strategies. At the same time, raising public awareness and attention to myocardiosis is crucial. Let us work together to protect the heart from disease.