Can you move after an in vitro embryo transplant?

Can you move after an in vitro embryo transplant?

Sport is healthy, but more attention is needed for sisters in the in vitro baby cycle, as it is likely to affect the outcomes of in vitro babies. Is it possible to move after an in vitro embryo transplant? The expert on in vitro babies at Kunming Avev Hospital replied that it was not that the in vitro was inactivated, and that proper normal activity was no problem, as long as there was no heavy physical work and high lung activity.

In vitro embryo transplantation requires the following attention:

After transplantation, rest in bed for two to three hours, with appropriate rest for older women. The rest is mainly intended to keep the uterus in a state of hysteria after the transplant, so that the rest of the body relaxes in the interest of quiet. To remain as relaxed and comfortable as possible and not to be too nervous about the embryos coming out.

After transplantation, as much as possible to avoid high mobility and heavy labour, especially among women who have been transplanted during the fresh cycle, is not suitable for intense sports. Combined with the possible decrease in intestinal activity due to the use of chromone, defecation and constipation should be avoided in life.

3. Avoid human-air-quality activities in low-quality areas, increase and decrease clothing in time for weather changes and avoid cold.

Following the transplant, support is regularly ordered by the doctor, and medical support is not intermittent.

After transplantation, there is often a rush to know the results and not to test them early on so that the inaccurate results affect the mood. You know, a good mind is the key to an in vitro.

The pregnancy rate of in vitro infants depends on a number of aspects, including, inter alia, the conditions of the hospital facilities, the level of the doctor ‘ s skills and the patient ‘ s own condition, among which the influence of the woman ‘ s age is significant, and it is therefore essential to recommend infertility and infertility as early as possible and to select a fully qualified hospital. Not only is the pregnancy rate guaranteed, but also the safety factor.

The question of whether an in vitro embryo can be moved after transplantation is described above, and it is hoped that your question can be answered. If you have more questions about infertility or artificially assisted pregnancy, you can leave a message or search Kunming Aveveve Hospital for more information.