Don’t panic! What is the sacred artery of lung cancer? Is pulmonary knot equivalent to lung cancer? Lung knots are circular or type shadings with a diameter of less than or equal to 3 cm found in lung imaging (e.g. chest X-ray, CT scan, etc.). Lung knots can occur individually, also referred to as isolated pulmonary knots, or in multiple combinations. Lung knots are not equivalent to lung cancer and most of them are benign and may be caused by inflammation, infection, benign tumours or other non-cancer pathologies. Only a small proportion of the pulmonary knots were eventually diagnosed with lung cancer. b. Bacteria infections due to infection of the pulmonary ectoplasm: tremocococcal infections, such as tuberculosis, can cause tuberculosis balls in the form of pulmonary ectoplasm. Fungi infections: fungi, such as fungi, invisible fungus, may form fungus balls, which are shown on the image as knots, after infection with the lungs. (a) Virus infections: Certain viruses may result in inflammation in the lungs, which in turn leads to nodes. Physicoma of benign tumours: is one of the most common benign tumours in the lungs, consisting of various proportions of tissues, such as cartilage, fat, smooth muscles, which are usually expressed in peri-slided knots. Sclerosis of angioma: It is usually a single hysterectomy and is more common among women, most of whom have no apparent symptoms. Primary lung cancer of malignant neoplasms: Long-term smoking, exposure to harmful substances, family history of lung cancer, etc. Lung cancer may occur at an early stage as pulmonary knots. Diversional tumours: Malignant tumours in other parts of the body, such as breast cancer, colon cancer, kidney cancer, may be transferred to the lung through the blood or lymphomy system to form a knot. Other factors are occupational exposure: occupational groups with long-term exposure to hazardous substances such as asbestos, neptunium and beryllium, with increased risk of dysentery. Self-immunised diseases: self-immunised diseases such as rheumatism arthritis and systemic red hyenas, may be exhausting and corrosive. Angiogenesis: Angioplasms such as pulmonary aneurysms and pulmonary infarction can also be manifested in pulmonary knots.
With the proliferation of low-dose CTs, and now more and more cases of pulmonary knots and glass grinding, are these pulmonary knots really “wrongful”?
According to the latest Chinese expert consensus on pulmonary nostrils, the 2023 edition of the China expert consensus on multidisciplinary microclinics of pulmonary nostrils suggests that regular follow-up visits to pulmonary nostrils of less than 8 mm are possible on the orders of a specialist doctor, and that more than 8 mm require attention to see whether pulmonary puncture active examination, surgical surgery or tumour digestion treatment is required.
The vast majority of the smaller pulmonary knots are benign pathologies, and it would be useful to actively review high-risk knots in accordance with the principle of follow-up, so that there is no need to talk about “learning”.
Pulmonary knots can be classified by density as: 1 physical knot (SN); 2 part physical (PSN); 3 pure glass grinding (pGGN)
Malignant probabilities: partially solid mGN
Even the <6 mm diameter pulmonary section should be reviewed once a year (category 2B evidence, recommendation II).
Most pGGN has been followed up for at least seven years; PSN has been followed up for at least three years (2 A, II).
3. Medical follow-up visits to pulmonary knots are usually recommended for regular follow-up visits to first-detected pulmonary knots, in particular those with a diameter of less than 8 mm, which are pure glass or partially physical. The intervals between follow-up visits are usually 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, etc., depending on the size, form, density of the section. During follow-up visits, further check-ups and treatments are required in a timely manner in the event of changes in the size, morphology, density, etc., or new symptoms. Surgeon treatment is usually recommended for patients with pulmonary knots with high suspected malignant neoplasms, or for patients with larger knots with clearly malignant characteristics. The procedure consists of pneumoctomy, pulmonary ectoptomy, wedges, etc., depending on the location, size, number, etc. Other non-surgery treatments, such as stereodirective radiotherapy (SBRT), radio-frequency digestion, microwave digestion, etc., may be considered for patients who are unable or unwilling to operate. These treatments can, to some extent, control the growth of the knots and mitigate symptoms, but cannot be fully cured. iv. The prevention of smoking is one of the main risk factors for lung cancer, which can reduce the risk of lung cancer and coitus. Avoiding exposure to harmful substances avoids prolonged exposure to harmful substances such as asbestos, neptunium and beryllium, and should take effective protective measures if work is required. Improved physical exercise, as appropriate, can enhance physical fitness, improve immunity and reduce the risk of disease. A healthy diet is balanced, with more nutritious foods such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains, reducing the intake of high fat, sugar and salty foods. Periodic check-ups should be carried out on the lungs for high-risk groups such as long-term smoking, family history of lung cancer, occupational exposure, etc., in order to detect pulmonary knots and lung cancer at an early stage. Overall, pulmonary knots are a common lung pathologies, mostly benign, but a small proportion may be malignant tumours. If pulmonary knots are found, do not panic, and should be examined and diagnosed in a timely manner, with appropriate treatments based on their nature and the specific circumstances of the patient. At the same time, the risk of dysentery and lung cancer can be reduced through smoking cessation, avoidance of exposure to harmful substances, increased exercise and healthy diet. Summary: 1. Craft CT is significant for pulmonary hysteria, early lung cancer, pulmonary hysteria is not equivalent to pulmonary cancer, pulmonary hysteria is not required, follow-up visits are necessary, and many micro-initiatives 3.