What if the plate is low and the marrow doesn’t make blood? How to improve the marrow micro-environment.

What if the plate is low and the marrow doesn’t make blood? How to improve the marrow micro-environment.

When faced with low slabs and non-blooding of the bone marrow, this usually points to a more serious blood system disease, which can be caused by multiple causes, such as regenerative obstructive anaemia, reduction of violet and leukemia.

1. What drugs can improve the micro-environment of bone marrow blood?

1 Western medicine: Sugar cortex hormones, such as acetic anhydride nymphosphate, acetic acid cemysion, etc., may be considered as the preferred treatment, with greater efficiency in the near future. However, attention needs to be paid to dosages and treatments to avoid the side effects of long-term intensive use.

2 Chinese medicine: The main methods used by Chinese medicine to improve the micro-environment of bone marrow blood are Chinese pharmacology, acupuncture therapy and other special Chinese medical treatments.

2. What other ways of improving the micro-environment of bone marrow blood?

Nutritional support: maintenance of a rational diet, enhancement of dietary nutrition, and more food with blood-rich materials such as iron, folic acid, vitamin B12, such as beef, milk, green leaves, etc. At the same time, excessive consumption of stimulating foods and drinks is avoided.

2 Physicotherapy: Physical therapy such as magnetic therapy, ultrasound and so forth can facilitate the local blood circulation and metabolism of bone marrow and contribute to the improvement of the micromarrow environment.

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