Science against cancer: breaking six new perceptions of breast cancer prevention
Breast cancer is a common malignant tumor in women. In recent years, as awareness of prevention has increased, so has knowledge of various types of breast cancer control. However, while some old fault areas are known to the general public, new misperceptions are emerging. Today let us learn a few new insights about breast cancer prevention.
1. Breast cancer does not occur when the breast is small. Women with small breasts often feel that they are small, have fewer breast tissues and are less at risk of cancer. However, scientific research shows that the incidence of breast cancer is not directly related to breast size. Breasts consist of skin, fat and breast tissue, the size of which depends mainly on fat content. Although women in Asia have relatively small breasts, glands and fats are one of the risk factors for breast cancer.
ii. The patrilineal family history can ignore the assertion that “the daughter only has a maternal disease”. Breast cancer-prone genes belong to the common chromosome. The family history of patrilineal matrilineal breast cancer is equally important. If the father’s family has breast cancer, the daughter is also at genetic risk. It is recommended that women with a clear family history undergo early genetic testing.
No family history exists? In fact, only 5-10% of breast cancer is genetic, and most patients have no family history. Age is the most important risk factor, as well as early, late, unborn or older mothers, which increases the risk of disease. It is worth noting that our peak in female morbidity is about 10 years earlier than in the West, and young women need early attention to breast health. Men do not get breast cancer? Although male breast cancer is rare, it does exist. Men are at high risk if they have a family history of breast cancer, chronic exposure to chemicals, and hepatic disease leading to excessive estrogen distribution. In the event of the discovery of a swollen area, medical attention should be provided in a timely manner.
v. Early detection by self-censorship? Although self-censorship is important, early breast cancer is often small and difficult to detect by “self-tasking”. By the time you can touch it, it might be mid-term. It is recommended that specialized examinations such as molybdenum targets, colours, etc. be conducted on a regular basis to achieve real early detection.
A bean product increases the risk of cancer? The plant estrogen contained in the bean product is a two-way regulation that complements the estrogen level when it is low and inhibits when it is too high. Studies have shown that the risk of breast cancer is reduced for women who have a modest amount of beans from adolescence. However, breast cancer patients who have been diagnosed are recommended for appropriate consumption.
The prevention of diseases can be improved by scientific knowledge of breast cancer, far from cognitive errors. It is recommended that all women have regular mammograms from the age of 25 to maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to truly protect breast health.
Breast cancer