The delicate relationship between the breast and the thyroid.

The delicate relationship between the breast and the thyroid, two seemingly unrelated organs, are hormonal receptor-sensitive organs that belong to the hypothalamus-adrestrial- gland axis, and the interaction between the two is the reason for the relationship between the two.Clinical epidemiological studies also show that there is a correlation between breast cancer and thyroid hyperactivity/regression, self-immunological thyroid diseases, thyroid cancer, etc.The main reasons are the following:1. There are family genetic factors for both genetic and thyroid cancers, both of which have many similar genetic mutations. The currently known Caden syndrome (CS) is a rare common chromosome genetic disease that increases the risk of breast and thyroid cancer as a result of a mutation in the anti-cancer gene PTEN, while the PARP4 mutation is a predisposable factor for primary thyroid and breast cancer. 2. Sodium iodide is a transducer membrane protein that is mediated to iodine and is expressed in thyroid tissues and breast-feeding tissues, both for iodine deficiency and overdose, to the detriment of breast and thyroid cancer. 3. The interaction of endocrine hormones is well known, and estrogens are closely related to the development of breast cancer, and estrogens have effects on women ‘ s various organs and are also pathogenic in thyroid tumours. Studies have shown that the risk of thyroid tumours is also high in patients treated with estrogen after menopause. In addition, studies have shown that elevated levels of acetate or FT4 may increase the incidence of breast cancer (especially hormonal receptor positive breast cancer). Ionizing radiation (e.g., free-ment, CT, X-ray, etc.) is a recognized risk factor for breast and thyroid cancer. Obesity due to lifestyle is a high risk factor for breast cancer and recent studies have shown a high correlation between obesity and the development of thyroid cancer. In the light of the above, breast cancer and thyroid diseases are more prevalent among women, which seriously affect their physical and mental health. Breast cancer patients are at higher risk of thyroid disease before and after the onset of the disease than other malignant tumours, with a number of common risk factors, and breast and thyroid are hormone-responsive organs that can interact between some regulatory circuits. Iodine, thyroid hormone receptors and estrogen receptors are currently considered as possible mechanisms for the close relationship between breast cancer and thyroid diseases. It is now considered that the reduction of thyroid function can reduce the risk of breast cancer and that the reduction has some protective effect on the development of breast cancer. The involvement of AITD in the development of breast cancer through the immune system still requires more in-depth research. There was a two-way link between thyroid cancer and breast cancer, but causality and precise mechanisms needed to be further explored. In recent years, the incidence of thyroid cancer has continued to increase, the two-way link between breast and thyroid cancer will receive more attention and treatment for both cancers will continue to improve. It is recommended that breast cancer survivors be made aware of the potential increased risks of thyroid diseases, including thyroid malignant tumours, for screening and follow-up. Breast cancer