Dietary guide for breast cancer patients
The Diet Guide for Breast Cancer Patients plays a crucial role in the fight against breast cancer. A scientifically sound diet not only provides adequate nutrition to the body, enhances immunity, but also provides some support for treatment and improves the quality of life of patients. I. Increased consumption of vegetables and fruit. Green leaf vegetables, such as spinach, celery, broccoli, are rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carrotin and other antioxidants, which help to remove the internal free radicals and reduce cell damage. Cross-flower vegetables, such as cabbage, kale and broccoli, contain components such as sulphate glucose, which are potentially resistant to cancer. In the case of fruits, citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruit are vitamin C-rich and contribute to increased immunity. Strawberries, blueberries and other berries contain rich antioxidants, such as plume, which are good for the body. Common fruits, such as apples and pears, are also a good option, rich in dietary fibres, which helps to promote intestinal creeping. Protein is a nutrient necessary for body repair and maintenance of normal physiology. Breast cancer patients should choose high-quality sources of protein such as skinny meat, fish, beans, eggs, etc. Skin meat includes chicken, beef, pork, etc., but should be selected to avoid over-ingestion of fat. Fish, especially deep-sea fish, such as salmon and cod, are rich in high-quality proteins and unsaturated fatty acids, which are beneficial to the heart ‘ s health and contribute to increased body immunity. Peas are a good source of vegetable protein, such as soybeans, black beans, green beans, etc. Beans products such as tofu and soy milk are also available in appropriate quantities. Eggs contain abundant proteins, vitamins and minerals, but should be considered appropriate to avoid excessive cholesterol intake. Controlling fat intake There is a relationship between high fat diet and the incidence and development of breast cancer. Thus, breast cancer patients should control fat intake, especially saturated fat and trans-fat. Reduced ingestion of animal fat such as butter, pig oil, fat, etc. Vegetable oils such as olive oil, maize oil, sunflower oil, etc. may be chosen but may also be used in appropriate quantities. Refrain from eating fried and processed foods, which usually contain higher fat and heat. IV. Limiting sugar intake. Excessive sugar intake can lead to body weight gain, which may also affect blood sugar and insulin levels to the detriment of breast cancer patients. Reduced intake of sugar-rich foods such as candy, beverages and pastries. Foods with low or no sugar are selected, such as fruit, vegetables, whole wheat bread, etc. At the same time, care should be taken to control the intake of carbohydrates and to avoid over-ingestion of refined grains and starch foods. 5. Increased intake of whole grains and food fibres, such as rough rice, oats, whole wheat bread etc., rich in dietary fibres, vitamins and minerals. Dietary fibres promote intestinal creeping and prevent constipation, while also helping to reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels. In addition to the whole grain, foods such as vegetables, fruits and beans are also rich in food fibres. Breast cancer patients should ensure adequate daily intake of dietary fibre to maintain intestinal health. (vi) Pay attention to dietary diversity. Breast cancer patients should make every effort to ensure that their daily diet contains a wide variety of foods, including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, protein sources, etc. At the same time, care should be taken to balance diets and to avoid overingestion of a particular nutrient. With regard to diet, a doctor or a nutritionist can be consulted to develop a diet that is appropriate for themselves. In general, breast cancer patients should take care to eat more vegetables and fruits in their diet, to choose high-quality proteins, to control fat and sugar intake, to increase intake of whole grains and diet fibres and to maintain dietary diversity. Through a scientifically sound diet, the body can be provided with adequate nutrition, increased immunity, supported treatment of breast cancer and improved quality of life.
Breast cancer