The formation of a spleen is related to the habits of a spleen, a pathological state in which a spleen ‘ s stomach is digested and absorbed, and in which the aerobics are inadequate. The formation of spleen is closely related to a variety of life habits, which are examined below in terms of diet, resting, emotions, sports, etc., in relation to spleen weakness, totalling 1,000 words.I. Inadequate diet1. Irregular diet: Eating at times or in large quantities after a long period of hunger can make the stomach incompetent and lead to a spleen function disorder.2. Breathing: chronic consumption increases the workload of the spleen ‘ s stomach and leads to its impaired function.3. Eating raw and cold foods: frequent consumption of raw and cold foods, such as cold drinks and ice cream, can damage the abdominal aerobics and lead to a reduction in the abdominal function.4. Over-eating greasy foods: The indigestion of greasy foods increases the spleen ‘ s stomach burden and leads to a weak spleen.5. Eating irritated foods: spicy, barbecued, pickled and other irritated foods can damage the stomach and lead to indigestion.II. Irregularity1. Staying up late: It interferes with the normal physical rhythm of the spleen ‘ s stomach, affects its repair and regeneration, and is likely to lead to weakness.2. Inadequate sleep: adequate sleep contributes to the rest and recovery of the spleen, while lack of sleep affects the function of the spleen.3. Overwork: Overwork, both physical and psychological, can deplete and weaken the abdominal function.III. FEDERATIONOver-thinking: Chinese doctors consider that “comfortful spleen” can be damaged by over-thinking and fear, leading to a weak temper.2. Emotional fluctuations: emotional fluctuations affecting the stomach and resulting in reduced digestive absorption.IV. Lack of sports1. Long-term sit-in: a prolonged sit-in can affect the blood circulation of the spleen and reduce the abdominal function.2. Lack of exercise: A proper exercise enhances the spleen ‘ s stomach function, while a lack of exercise leads to a reduction in the spleen ‘ s stomach function.V. BAD HOUSING1. Smoking and drinking: Tobacco and alcohol directly damage the stomach and affect its normal functioning.2. Drinking strong tea and coffee: Caffeine in thick tea and coffee stimulates mucous membranes in the stomach, and long-term consumption can lead to spleen weakness.3. Long-term drug use: Substance abuse, especially antibiotics and non-temperature anti-inflammatory drugs, can impair the abdominal function.Environmental factors1. Climate change: sudden changes in the climate, especially in the wet environment, are prone to attack on the stomach and contribute to its weakness.2. Environmental pollution: Long-term living in a highly polluting environment, with spleen stomachs requiring more energy to detoxify and burden them.VII. PERSONAL WHOLE1. Pregenital insufficiency: Innate ingenuity, gestational incompetence, and greater vulnerability to inappropriate living habits.2. Post-mortem malnutrition: Inappropriate post-natal care, such as unbalanced diets, inadequate nutritional intake, etc., can lead to a reduction in spleen stomach function.VIII. OTHER ELEMENTS1. Age factor: As age increases, the abdominal function diminishes and poor living habits accelerate the process.2. Social stress: The stress of modern society ‘ s work and the pace of life are such that it can easily lead to irregular diets, emotional fluctuations, etc., which in turn affect the stomach function.In short, the formation of a weak stomach is closely linked to a variety of life habits. In order to prevent and improve stomach weakness, we should develop good habits of life, including regular diets, adequate sleep, moderate exercise, stable emotions, and the avoidance of bad habits. These measures can be effective in maintaining the abdominal health and promoting health.
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