It’s a microcircle.
Breast fibromas are relatively common benign breast tumours, which are good for women of childbearing age aged 20-39, and are generally considered to be associated with estrogen irritation. Breast fibromas are mostly benign and usually not felt by patients because they do not suffer pain or have only slight pain, which is unrelated to the menstruation period, but when combined with pregnancy or breastfeeding, the swelling increases significantly. With regard to the surgical treatment of breast fibromas, traditional methods of surgery are traumatic, with many complications, and can easily lead to visible scars around the nipples, seriously affecting the beauty of the chest of women patients, as well as creating greater psychological and psychological stress and disorders. The mammography uses state-of-the-art microcircles and takes only about 3 mm to 5 mm of nuances in the hidden part of the breast or in the natural texture. During the operation, under the precise guidance of a high-frequency colour ultrasound, the piercing tester reaches the lower end of the knot or tumour and is attached to the tumour, and is cut from layer to layer, and, with the help of a negative pressure, the tissue of the stimuli is absorbed out of the body with a high efficiency of the sciser. Microcircle mammography is generally used in cases where the mammogram is less than 3 cm, mammograms, small calcified stoves, and mammograms that require active screening are not known by their pathology. Breast Circumcision has become a critical method of surgery in modern mammography by virtue of its precise location, minor trauma, short operation time, rapid recovery, low infection rates, good aesthetic results and high diagnostic accuracy. These advantages not only ensure the health of the patients, but also better satisfy the aspirations of women to beauty and quality of life. The mammography is carried out with the precise guidance of a high-frequency colour ultrasound, which enables the precise positioning of the stove. This method of surgery usually requires the construction of a tiny incision of 3 to 5 mm in the hidden part of the breast or in the natural texture, significantly reducing the damage to normal tissue. The mammography process is simpler and more efficient than traditional surgery. Generally speaking, it takes only 10 to 30 minutes to remove a single swelling, which significantly reduces the risk of surgery and greatly reduces the pain of the patient. Given the minimal trauma caused by the operation, the patient is able to recover rapidly after the operation. In general, the patient ‘ s recovery usually lasts between 1 and 3 days, which significantly reduces the patient ‘ s hospitalization period. In addition, the operation had minor damage to normal tissues and had no alien residues, thus effectively reducing the likelihood of infection. The mammography focuses in particular on maintaining the beauty of the breast. The small size and location of the operation, and the invisibility of post-operative scars, are significant for women patients and help to relieve their psychological stress. A series of examinations covering blood protocol, coagulation time, chest tablets, electrocardiograms, blood pressure etc. are also required, along with a written consent for surgery and anesthesia. No operation can be performed during menstruation, with flu or with a combination of other diseases (e.g. diabetes, liver, etc.) that are being treated. After the operation, it is usually not necessary to rest for long periods of time, but the side limbs do not recommend the lifting of the load for approximately 2 weeks, and the group of people who perform manual work requires an appropriate extension of the rest period. The consumption of greasy, spicy and irritating foods should be avoided, and water should be increased to ensure adequate water intake. After the operation, a periodic review is carried out in accordance with the advice given by the doctor to monitor the recovery and to detect potential problems in a timely manner.
Breast tumor