In addition to rice, these can also be staple foods, and are healthier for typhoid patients!

In addition to rice, these can also be staple foods, and are healthier for typhoid patients!

While there is no direct causal link between the onset of the disease and the diet as a chronic disease that affects skin colour, a reasonable diet is important for the overall health and stability of the patient. In the daily diet, the choice of staple food as the main source of energy not only provides the necessary nutrition but also promotes health. When it comes to staple foods, most people think first of all of rice and pasta, but for typhoid patients, the choice of staple foods is broadened and more diversified and healthy foods are tried, not only to enrich the table but also to bring more benefits to the body.

1. All grains

Whole grains such as rough rice, oats, Quinoa, whole wheat bread, etc., retain more nutrients than the refined rice surfaces, such as B vitamins, minerals (magma, iron, zinc) and abundant dietary fibres. These components contribute to improved digestive system functioning, stabilization of blood sugar levels and reduction of the risk of cardiovascular disease, as well as to increased immunity. Strengthening physical resistance is particularly important for typhoid patients.

2. Potatoes

Potato foods such as potatoes, potatoes and potatoes are rich not only in taste, but also in carbohydrates, dietary fibres, vitamins and minerals. Their low GI (the blood sugar generation index) helps to maintain blood sugar stability and avoid the physical inflammation that can result from blood sugar fluctuations. In addition, antioxidation substances in potatoes, such as beta-carrotin and pheasant, contribute to skin health.

3. Beans and bean products

Vegetables, red beans, green beans, tofu, soybean soybeans and their products are an important part of the diet for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians. They not only provide high-quality plant protein but also contain minerals such as iron, calcium and magnesium, as well as plant estrogens such as soybeans, which help to regulate hormonal levels in the body and increase the resistance of the body. For typhoid patients, adequate intake of pulses helps maintain a nutritional balance and promote health.

4. Root vegetables

Root vegetables, such as pumpkins, lichen, and mountain medicine, although often used as vegetables, have a higher starch content and can also be part of the staple diet. They are not only rich in dietary fibres, vitamins and minerals, but also have unique nutritional values, such as the fact that β-carrotin in pumpkins contributes to skin health and that mountain medicine contributes to spleen-friendly kidneys, which are beneficial for the whole body.

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