Be careful with these sensitive items at home. Be careful to increase the white wind!

Be careful with these sensitive items at home. Be careful to increase the white wind!

White phoenix is a common skin disease, with patients ‘ skin becoming extremely sensitive and susceptible to external factors. The presence of a number of items in the family environment may have a negative impact on the patient ‘ s condition. As a result, white phoenix patients need to use the following types of items with special care in their daily lives in order to protect their skin health and promote recovery.

1. Strong disinfection and cleaning products

Clean products such as strong disinfectants and bleachers are more corrosive and irritant due to their high concentrations of chemical components. Long-term or inappropriate use can easily destroy the natural barriers to skin, leading to dry, sensitive and even inflammation. For typhoid patients, these incentives can induce or exacerbate white spots. When using this type of product, persons with typhoon must wear gloves and ensure that the product is not exposed to skin. At the same time, the choice of mild, low-stimulant disinfection and cleaning products may be more appropriate.

2. Painting and fit-out materials

Organic solvents, such as benzene, toluene, diphenylene, and formaldehyde and heavy metals, which are common in paints, are harmful chemicals to humans. They not only affect health through inhalation, but may also cause allergies or irritation through dermal contact, placing an additional burden on the skin of a white phoenix patient. White phoenix patients should avoid exposure to such substances to the extent possible, especially in the context of renovation or artistic creation, choosing environmentally friendly, low-toxic products and maintaining a good ventilation environment.

3. Cosmetics and dyes

Heavy metals, spices and preservatives in cosmetics, as well as chemical substances such as phenyldiamine and hydrogen peroxide in dyes, may cause irritation or damage to skin if the content is exceeded or improperly used. For typhoid patients, these incentives can induce or exacerbate white spots. White fluent patients should choose formal brand names, well-qualified cosmetics and dyes to avoid the use of poor-quality products of unknown origin. At the same time, be careful to remove the makeup and keep the skin clean. Skin testing should be performed before the dye to reduce the risk of allergies.

4. Alcoholic and highly irritant products

Alcohol-containing products, such as perfume, as well as highly irritating cleaning products, such as certain soaps, baths, etc., can cause irritation and injury to the skin. These products destroy the natural barriers to the skin, leading to the drying of the skin, itching, etc. White phoenix patients should try to avoid the use of alcohol-containing products and choose mild, unstimulant cleaning products.

The PRP-CK national pigmentine transplant uses the special features of self-skin, non-spectrum, non-exposure, light skin loss, high survival rate, and white-coloured nature. In particular, it is suited to the persistent and stubborn white wind.