“The Anti-Inflammation Medicine” – the magic trick you see.

Anti-Inflammation Medicine – The magic magic trick you see in your eyes. Autumn diarrhea, more diarrhea, more diarrhea, more anti-inflammation medicine for parents, better for children, and so on. But is it true? Let’s talk about the anti-inflammatory today.Anti-inflammatory = antibiotics?Anti-inflammatory in the mouth of the population means antibiotics, but from a medical point of view this is a false statement. Anti-inflammatory drugs, by definition, are those that can eliminate inflammation. The so-called “inflammation” is not a particular disease, but rather a defensive response of the organism to irritation in the form of red, swelling, heat, pain and functional impairment. For example, pains in the throat after cold, red and swollen skin after wrestling or burns. Inflammatory response is usually classified as infectious and non-infective. Antibiotics (in generic terms antibacterials) are used only in cases of infective inflammation. So, antibiotics aren’t antiinflammation pills, nor are antibiotics! Antibiotics are mistaken for anti-inflammatory drugs because, after the microbial invasion, the organism releases various inflammation factors to counter microbial invasions, while the inflammation causes also cause symptoms such as fever, pain, and, in general, the microbials are eliminated and the inflammation response reced.Does the cold have to be antibiotic?Common colds are generally catatonic symptoms such as viral fever, ingesting pain, aldicarb and are self-restricted diseases. On the basis of good care, general self-healing occurs in about a week. In such cases, antibiotics are of no benefit to the situation. The use of antibiotics is considered only in the case of secondary bacterial infections. At the same time, it should be noted that the use of antibiotics requires an adequate course of treatment, which is generally discontinued after 72-96 hours of normal body temperature and abating symptoms. If the treatment is not sufficient, once it is effective, the disease may rebound as a result of the residual bacteria, while the bacteria remaining in the body that are not sensitive to the drug continue to breed, creating resistance to the drug and then using the same drug again, will not be effective for such bacteria, i.e., will be resistant to the drug and will aggravate it. Does child diarrhoea have to be antibiotic?Every spring and autumn, the number of cases of diarrhoea among children increases. Rotal viruses, non-viruses, etc. will appear in public view. Patients generally suffer from nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and even fever. The use of antibiotics is usually not required for viral diarrhoea. The general treatment of symptoms, such as rehydration (oral rehydration salt), laxation (dissolved demoliment), modulation of the fungus (diverse fungi formulation) and cooling (blofon-mixed fluids), can normally heal by one week. Make sure that antibacterial drugs are not used at random in order to prevent intestinal herbology disorders and cause “diarrhea of antibacterial relevance”.Are antibiotics preventable?During the high flu season of the fall and winter, the general population will think of vaccination against influenza. One wonders, is it okay to prevent the use of antibiotics? The answer is no. Antibiotics are used to suppress or kill micro-organisms such as bacteria in order to mitigate inflammation and cure diseases. There is no prevention of infection (except for special diseases, immediate surgery). At the same time, the long-term and irrational use of antibiotics can cause bacterial resistance and even induce the emergence of “super bacteria”.In any case, the magic trick in your eyes, “the anti-inflammation medicine”, is a double-edged sword that must be used with caution, preferably on medical advice or under the direction of a pharmacist. In case of ill health, medical attention is provided in a timely manner.