Microvascular decompression terminates facial convulsions, returning facial spasms to normal life.
Ms. Liu, 45-year-old resident of Xinxiang, a teacher with a face muscle convulsion for eight to nine years, started with a simple right-hand eye jump, developed to the right eye corner, with a long time, had no way of opening her eyes, had no way of moving her face, had trouble sleeping at night, had no effect on her daily life and work, had learned that microvascular pressure relief could be treated and had been a cranial surgery, and had not been determined until the beginning of the spring of the year, he had been found on the network that Prof. Wang Cai of the Neuro Hospital was particularly good at treatment, specialized in the field of facial muscle spasms, and had made an appointment at the clinic.
Through out-patient assessments and consultations, Prof. Wang Zing introduced: “Faceal spasms are manifested in a side of the facial muscles that are ecstatic and non-autonomous. Generally, it starts with the eyelids of one side, then is gradually increased to the face, the mouth, the severer can be drawn to the same side of the neck, and the “corrh” that causes a muscle convulsion is an artery or an vein in the vicinity of the neurological roots, which oppresses the neurological roots. Medicines, acupunctures, and meat toxins can only temporarily abate the symptoms of mild auscultic convulsions, which cannot be cured. Therefore, the most critical and effective treatment for facial auscultic convulsions is the removal of the cause of oppression. Only microvascular decompression is the lifting of the neurological oppression of the vascular opposites, the ending and repairing of this “short circuit” is the only root treatment, with a cure rate of 98 per cent, and the operation is very mature and safe.”
In clinics, careful and patient answers make patients feel very friendly and trusted, while during pre-operative examinations, when the patient is in doubt or incomprehensible, Professor Wang takes time to answer the patient ‘ s questions in detail and with patience, so that the patient is free of fear of the operation, is treated in a frank manner, and the convulsions at the back of the surgery disappear, and the patient ‘ s face is full of smiles.
It is important to draw attention to the fact that one side of the eyelid jumps over a period of time, weeks or months, to the same side of the mouth, upper and lower lips and cheek muscles that follow, at which point attention must be paid to timely treatment at a regular hospital to avoid an increase in harm.