These nutrients are enough to keep you away from the blizzard!
White phoenium is a colored skin depregnant disease that manifests itself in the presence of white spots in the skin or in the body, with some effect on the patient ‘ s physical and mental health. In the treatment of white phoenix, proper nutritional supplementation is essential to help improve immunity, promote pigmentation and skin repair.
1. Vitamin E
Vitamin E is resistant to oxidation, moisture and itching, which improves skin photosensitivity and reduces skin irritation in the external environment. Patients with white phoenix may receive appropriate doses of vitamin E or be supplemented by food such as nuts, vegetable oils and avocados.
Zinc is an auxiliary factor to many enzyme systems and is involved in processes such as DNA synthesis and immunisation. An appropriate quantity of zinc can increase the body’s immunity and contribute to healing. Zinc-rich foods include seafood (such as oysters), red meat, nuts and whole grains.
3. Folic acid
Folic acid is a water soluble vitamin that promotes melanol cell formation in the body. Patients with white ostrich can take folic acid tablets as appropriate or be supplemented by food such as green leaf vegetables and animal livers.
4, gelatin protein
The gelatin protein is an important part of the skin and increases its elasticity and smoothness. Patients can supplement gelatin protein with fish, skinny meat and protein-rich food.
The PRP-CK national pigmentine transplant uses the special features of self-skin, non-spectrum, non-exposure, light skin loss, high survival rate, and white-coloured nature. In particular, it is suited to the persistent and stubborn white wind.