Guidelines for the prevention of winter influenza among children

Guidelines for the prevention of winter influenza among children

The childhood winter influenza pandemic prevention guide is a high-prevalence pandemic (influenza) season, and children are more vulnerable to influenza viruses due to their relatively weak immunity. Parents therefore need to take a range of precautions to protect their children from the influenza virus. The following is a detailed guide for the prevention of the childhood winter influenza pandemic: First, it is understood that influenza and its transmission routes are acute respiratory infections caused by influenza viruses and are transmitted mainly through air-based foam, such as those sprayed by infected people coughing and sneezing. In addition, the virus can be transmitted by exposure, if a child touches a virus-contaminated object (e.g. a doorknob, toy) before touching a nose or mouth, which can lead to infection. It is particularly important to have daily hand-washing, which must be carried out with liquid water, as much as possible, using clean water, following a seven-step wash, and developing a habit of avoiding cross-infection by children playing with toys. Second, influenza vaccination is the most effective means of preventing influenza. Influenza vaccine can significantly reduce children ‘ s risk of influenza, and even infection can mitigate symptoms and complications. Parents shall, on the advice of the local CDC or a doctor, in a timely manner inoculate their children against influenza. III. Immuno-sound diets: To ensure adequate nutritional intake of children and to increase the consumption of vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables, such as oranges, strawberries, spinach, etc., contribute to increased immunity. Rational motion: An adequate amount of outdoor exercise can enhance body quality and increase resistance. However, care should be taken to avoid taking place in cold or highly polluting conditions. Adequate sleep: to ensure that the child has adequate sleep time, which contributes to physical recovery and increased immunity. 4. Care to wash hands with personal hygiene: wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially before touching eyes, nose and mouth, or after activities in public places. This can effectively remove viruses and bacteria from hands and reduce the risk of infection. Cough rituals: Educating children to cover their mouths and noses with paper towels or elbows when coughing or sneezing to prevent the transmission of the virus through foam. V. Maintaining a clean environment and regular ventilation with regular daily window openings and indoor air flow will help to reduce the presence of the virus in the room. Cleaning and disinfection: Regular cleaning and disinfection of common household and school items such as toys, doorknobs and desktops to reduce the risk of transmission of the virus. (vi) Avoiding crowding and reducing out: during the high-prevalence flu season, minimize taking children to populated areas, such as malls, cinemas, etc., in order to reduce the risk of infection. (b) Mask: The child may be provided with a mask to reduce the chance of the virus entering. 7. Parents who observe the child ‘ s state of health shall closely monitor the child ‘ s state of health and, if they find that the child is suffering from influenza such as fever, cough and infirmity, they shall immediately seek medical treatment and, in accordance with the guidance of a doctor, undergo quarantine and treatment to prevent further transmission of the virus. In general, the prevention of the child ‘ s winter influenza epidemic requires parents to start in a number of ways, including vaccination, immunization, personal hygiene, keeping the environment clean, avoiding crowding and observing children ‘ s health. It is only in this way that children can be effectively protected from the influenza virus, and it is hoped that these guides will build a strong line of defence for children from the influenza pandemic, that they will warm their hearts as the sun of winter and that they will grow up healthy and happy.

I have a cold.