Take you to the colon cancer.

Take you to the colon cancer.

Colon cancer, a slow-growing, easy-to-discovery cancer, is often forgotten, resulting in the loss of nearly 200,000 lives each year.

As the standard of living of the population improves and the diet changes, the incidence of colon cancer is increasing year by year. Colon cancer, a slow-growing, easy-to-discovery cancer, is often forgotten, resulting in the loss of nearly 200,000 lives each year. Today we come together to learn about colon cancer and to prevent it effectively.

I. What is colon cancer?

Colon and rectal cancer are digestive tumours. Epidemiological enteric cancer is a common malignant neoplasm, with morbidity and mortality rates rising. Rectal cancer is more common than colon cancer, with more than 80 per cent of tumours in the lower part of the rectal and more than half of colon cancer in the right than the left, and common parts include the back of the blind, the beta colon, the liver, the spleen, the transectal, with the highest incidence in the 40-50 age group, with a ratio of 2 to 3 to 1.

Why do you have colon cancer? What’s the cause?

Eating and Carcinogens: In countries with a high incidence of colon cancer, there is a high per capita consumption of animal protein and animal fat, which is directly related to colon cancer. High-lipid, high-protein foods can increase methyl cholesterol in faeces; animal experiments have shown that methyl cholesterol induces rectal cancer. In addition, high-fibre dietary intake reduces the incidence of colon cancer. If food fibre is insufficient, it is one of the contributing factors to colon cancer.

Thermolyte from high-temperature cooking of meat, fish and food contains a wide range of mutagenic and carcinogenic agents that induce rat colon cancer. Epidemiological studies found negative human intakes of calcium and vitamin D in the population, associated with colon cancer.

Chronic inflammation in the rectum: cancer caused by ulcer enteritis, schistosomiasis, repeated damage to and repair of the enteric mucous membrane.

Genetic factors: The incidence of colon cancer is higher among members of the family of dispersing colon cancer patients than among the general population.

4 Other: The risk of rectum cancer again is higher for those who have had it in the past. The risk of colon cancer is also higher among women with breast and cervical cancer. Patients on gynaecology tumours are two to three times more likely to have rectal cancer than the normal population and have increased every year after age 40.

What are the clinical manifestations of colon cancer?

Early symptoms are not visible, and cancer swells to a certain extent, with different clinical manifestations depending on their growth.

Clinical performance of right half colon cancer: abdominal abdominal pain: 70% – 80% of patients with right half colon cancer have abdominal abdominal abdominal pain, most of which is hidden; 2 anaemia: due to the death, fall and chronic haemorrhage of the cancer cooks, 50% – 60% of patients have haemoglobins below 100 g/L; 3 abdominal swellings: also a common symptom of right partal cancer.

Clinical manifestations of left-circle cancer: 1 per cent blood, mucous blood: more than 70 per cent of percud or mucous blood; 2 abdominal pain: about 60 per cent of abdominal pain can be abdominal pain, which can also be manifested in abdominal strangulation in case of obstruction; 3 per cent abdominal swelling: around 40 per cent of patients can touch abdominal swelling on the left side.

3. Symptoms in different pathologies

1 Early symptoms: At the earliest, symptoms of abdominal swelling, discomfort, digestive symptoms, later

Changes in current defecation habits, such as increased defecation, diarrhoea or constipation, abdominal pain. There will be mucus or mucus sepsis at a later stage.

2 Symptoms of poisoning: haemorrhage due to tumour ultimatum and toxin absorption can often lead to patient appearance

Anemia, hypothermia, inactivity, wasting, swelling, etc. are particularly prevalent.

3-intestinal insinuation: Symptoms of incomplete or totally low-temporal insinuation, such as abdominal swelling, abdominal

Pain (swollen or stinging), constipated or closed. The medical examination shows diarrhea, intestinal type, local pressure pain, and can be smelled with strong intestines.

4 abdominal parcels: tumours or lumps of swelling with membrane, obscurous tissue, hard,

The shape is irregular, with some activity with the intestinal tube, and the tumours are more obscurous in the later stages and the swelling is fixed.

Late 5s: Hepatic transfer signs such as yellow sapling, abdominal water, swelling, and malignant conditions.

Epidemic tumours, such as lymphoma cones on the collarbone, are spreading at a distance.

IV. How to prevent colon cancer?

The prevention of colon cancer begins with eating habits. (b) High cellulose foods, such as mushrooms, mussels, violets, wheat, potatoes, soybeans, beans, maize and various fruits, should be eaten daily in order to keep the poop free;

Reduced consumption of fat and animal protein in food, reducing carcinogenicity and carcinogenicity in decomposition products;

Early detection of colon cancer and its pre-cancer pathologies and active intervention in treatment are key to reducing the incidence of morbidity and increasing survival. Therefore, early screening is of great importance, and the following three types of screening can be performed on a regular basis: 1. rectal finger-checking; 2. cavity blood experiments; and 3. enteroscope examinations. Pre-cancer pathologies against colon cancer. Early removal is required for adenomas of the colon, especially family-based multiple intestinal carcinoma. Actively treating chronic colonitis;

The drugs currently most used for chemical prevention are vitamin A, E and beta-carrotin, and 4-hpr, with large doses of vitaminc and calcium also preventing salivating.

Physical exercise should preferably take 30 minutes per day. Increased activity can reduce intestinal hormone content and thus the likelihood of colon cancer.

Diseases of the digestive system