How to prevent acute heart sudden death, silent sudden death?
Acute heart sudden death (Acute Cardiac Arest, ACA) refers to sudden death due to heart causes, usually occurring within one hour of symptoms. It is an emergency and requires immediate CPR and first aid interventions.
The mechanisms for the occurrence of acute heart sudden death consist mainly of the following: It usually causes cardiac arrest due to myocardial infarction, myocardial infarction or cardiac disorders caused by coronary artery diseases.
2. Non-heart-sourced sudden death: non-cardial sudden death is an acute death caused by causes other than the heart, such as cerebrovascular accidents, pulmonary embolism, etc. These causes may be related to heart disease or other diseases.
Genetic sudden death: Genetic sudden death is due to an abnormal heart structure or function caused by a genetic mutation, which causes acute heart sudden death. Such sudden deaths usually occur among young people and have family genetic properties.
Precautionary measures for heart death.
Low salt diet: High salt diet leads to increased blood pressure and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
2. Eat more of vegetables and vegetables: Vegetables and fruits are rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and cellulose, which help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
3. Control of fat intake: Excessive saturated and trans-fat acid increases cholesterol levels and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
4. Avoid overdrinking: Overdrinking can lead to diseases such as hypertension and heart disease, which should be measured or not.
5. Attention to weight control: Obesity is one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and therefore care to maintain healthy weight.
6. Physical exercise: Appropriate exercise enhances CPR function and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
7. Control risk factors: Chronic diseases such as hypertension, hypertension and diabetes are risk factors for acute heart sudden death. These risk factors can be effectively controlled through drug treatment and lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of acute heart sudden death.
8. Periodic medical check-ups: Periodic check-ups allow early detection of heart disease and other chronic diseases, provide timely treatment and reduce the risk of acute heart attack.
Cardiography: An electrocardiogram is a simple, unsolved method for detecting heart attacks such as cardiac disorders. For people at risk of heart disease, it is recommended that electrocardiograms be conducted on a regular basis.
10. Heart rehabilitation: Heart rehabilitation is a comprehensive intervention that includes physical training, psychological support, health education, etc. Through heart rehabilitation, the quality of life of patients can be improved and the risk of acute heart sudden death reduced.
11. CPR training: CPR is the first line of defence after acute heart sudden death. Learning CPR skills can save patients ‘ lives at critical moments. It is recommended that everyone learn CPR skills in order to prepare for need.
12. Avoid overwork: Long hours of work and fatigue can lead to reduced physical functioning and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
13. Avoiding emotional agitation: Excessive emotional agitation leads to physiological reactions such as increased heart rate and increased blood pressure and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
First aid for acute heart attack.
1. Call the first aid telephone: Once symptoms of acute heart attack are detected, call the first aid telephone immediately to seek professional medical assistance. 2. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation: CPR can be performed while waiting for the arrival of an ambulance. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation consists of two steps, ecstasy pressure and artificial respiration. The ecstasy pressure helps to maintain the patient ‘ s heartbeat and artificial respiration provides oxygen to the patient.
3. Auto-extra-fibrillator (AED): The auto-extra-fibrillator is a portable medical device that automatically analyzes the heart rate and provides electroshock treatment when required. At acute heart kill sites, the use of an automatic defibrillator can increase the survival of patients.
4. Drug intervention: During first aid, doctors may give some medication, such as anti-heart disorders, anticondensatives, etc., to stabilize the patient ‘ s condition.
In short, acute heart sudden death is a serious cardiovascular disease that requires adequate attention. The risk of acute heart sudden death can be effectively reduced through measures such as healthy lifestyles, control of risk factors and periodic medical examinations. At the same time, the acquisition of CPR skills and first aid measures for acute heart death can save patients ‘ lives at critical times.