Sports and dietary management for oncological patients
In recent years, the incidence of malignant neoplasms has been increasing, and according to the latest statistics published on the incidence of new malignant neoplasms in China in 2022, malignant neoplasms are already the most serious public health event in the country. The incidence of cancers such as lung cancer and breast cancer is high. For patients with tumours, proper personal health management can be effective in co-operating with standard anti-tumour treatment, with good treatment. On the other hand, if the individual is not properly managed, the situation is aggravated, with serious consequences for the future. The following goes on to address various aspects of health management. i. Physical exercise. The general and physical state of health of patients on tumours after treatment against tumours has deteriorated, and the right amount of movement is very useful for the functional recovery of the body in order to effectively restore the function of the body. As a result, oncological patients are not inactivated. On the other hand, due to the weakness of the tumour patient ‘ s body, it is important to exercise motor strength. The key is to choose the appropriate form of sport. Walking is a good option and an aerobic exercise suitable for oncological patients, and it is suggested that it may be possible to take into account the good ventilation, the proper temperature, and the absence of dangerous conditions, which can improve the mood of patients and reduce psychological stress. jogging is also optional if the patient ‘ s physical condition so permits, and a properly robust jogging exercise can improve the patient ‘ s CPR function. A daily exercise of about 30 minutes. However, particular attention is paid to controlling intensity, with a heart rate generally not recommending more than 120 minutes or 30 per cent of the normal benchmark. In addition, patients on tumours can practice aerobics. Aerobic therapy provides communication, ablution and mediation. Gas improvement is beneficial for the physical recovery of lung cancer patients. However, the threshold for entry into the airwork is high, requires a certain level of professional training and avoids erroneous teaching connections, and requires a differentiated exercise with normal people. Yogi, which emphasizes the strengthening of the body ‘ s flexibility through a series of relaxing actions, and the relaxation of the exercise ‘ s body and body through respiration. But it is important that patients on tumours avoid more difficult movements and do not force themselves. The second is eating. Adequate nutritional support is a prerequisite for a patient ‘ s good immunisation response, and it is important to protect the patient ‘ s weight from loss. After nutritional support, the general situation of the patient is ensured and is more compatible with standard anti-oncological treatment. More sensitive to treatment and chemotherapy. Nutritional support treatment should be strengthened before and after surgery or other start-up treatment. If a patient ‘ s gastrointestinal function is permitted, he or she is preferred to be fed directly through the mouth, and if the gastrointestinal function is disturbed or cannot be fed through the mouth, he or she needs an intravenous supplement. The issue of diets is also of great concern to patients. First, sufficient protein, especially animal protein, is necessary. Some patients believe that oncological patients should not consume well-nourished food, which must be the wrong idea. In addition, some of the nutrient powder could be usefully supplemented. However, the composition of the flour is not uniform and needs to be carefully identified, especially with regard to some nutritional health items, which may not be suitable for use by oncologists. It would be preferable to opt for special-medicine food-based nutritional powders for oncological patients, taking into account applications for special groups such as diabetics. Second, the intake of carbohydrates should be reduced as appropriate. Oncological cells are generally energy-intensive through carbohydrates. Ingestion of fat can be an effective complement to the calorie, and ketone metabolism cannot be directly tumour cell function. At the same time, all types of fresh vegetables and fruits should be adequately replenished and a balanced supplement of vitamins and nutrients such as potassium and sodium should be guaranteed.
Lung cancer