Breast Cancer Awareness, Care for Women’s Health

Breast Cancer Awareness, Care for Women’s Health

Breast cancer has become one of the major diseases threatening women ‘ s health in today ‘ s society. Today, let’s get to know breast cancer. Breast cancer, by definition, is a malignant tumor occurring in breast tissue. The breast is a very important part of the female body and not only bears the burden of feeding the offspring, but is also linked to the beauty and self-information of women. However, when breast cells change abnormally and grow out of control, they can develop into breast cancer. So, how did breast cancer happen? At present, the causes of breast cancer are not entirely clear, but there are a number of factors that may increase the risk of disease. First, genetic factors are an important aspect. If there are breast cancers in the family, especially among first-degree relatives (mothers, sisters, etc.), you may be at a relatively high risk. Secondly, age is also a risk factor. As age increases, the risk of breast cancer increases. In addition, chronic estrogen exposure, poor lifestyles such as smoking, alcohol abuse, lack of exercise, obesity, and long-term mental stress can be associated with breast cancer. Breast cancer may not have visible symptoms at an early stage, which is one of the reasons why it is easily neglected. However, with the development of the condition, some symptoms will emerge. The most common symptoms include mammograms, breast skin changes, nipple spills, etc. Breast swelling is usually pain-free, hard-cut and irregular. Breast skins can be dented, orange skin changes, etc. Erosion may be of a blood, plasma or water sample. If these symptoms occur, they should be examined in a timely manner. In order to detect breast cancer at an early stage, female friends should undergo regular breast screening. Self-censorship is a simple and effective method. Self-censorship can be carried out on a monthly basis about one week after menstruation. At the time of the examination, touch the breasts with a small fingertip, and feel the presence of anomalous conditions, such as swelling, hard knots, etc. At the same time, the appearance of the breast, the skin colour and the presence of spills of the nipples can be observed. In addition to self-censorship, specialized breast examinations, such as breast ultrasound and mammograms, should be carried out regularly at hospitals. Once diagnosed with breast cancer, do not panic. At present, there are many methods of treatment for breast cancer, including surgery, chemotherapy, decomposition, endocrine treatment, target-oriented treatment, etc. Doctors develop individualized treatments based on the patient ‘ s specific circumstances. The treatment of early breast cancer is generally more effective, and many patients can use it to achieve their healing purposes. With regard to breast cancer prevention, female friends can start with the following aspects. First, keep a healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet, with more fruit and vegetables, reduces intake of high fat and high-heat foods. Moderate exercise, good weight. Stop smoking and stay up late. Second, reduce exposure to estrogen. Avoid the long-term use of cosmetics, health care, etc. containing estrogens. Finally, keep a good mind and learn to release pressure. In general, breast cancer is a serious health threat to women, but effective prevention and early detection of breast cancer can be achieved if we raise awareness, conduct regular examinations and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let us all focus on the health of women and protect their beauty and happiness.

Breast cancer