Pyramid pneumocin treatment.

Pyramid pneumocin treatment.

Pneumonia is a change in acute respiratory and pulmonary inflammation caused by the pneumoconiosis, often accompanied by a combination of oscillitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. Carcinin has an important and irreplaceable effect as one of the most common drugs used to treat syroid pneumonia.

I. The mechanism of the role of erythrin

Carcinin is an antibiotic of the Great Ringed ester, which acts as an antibacterial by inhibiting the synthesis of bacterial proteins. For the pneumoconitrigen, erythrin is able to bind to the nuclide nuclei 50S Archipelagic to prevent the transfer of argonyl tRNA from the receptor to the argonyl radical point, thus inhibiting the synthesis of the proteins of the phyllogens for antibacterial purposes.

II. Advantage of erythracin in styl pneumonia treatment

1. Broad antibacterial spectrometry: Better antibacterial activity for pneumococyte, with some therapeutic effects for some grelan positive bacteria and some grelanes.

2. Good tissue permeability: the ability to achieve high concentrations in respiratory tissue facilitates the treatment of lung infections.

3. Relatively high safety: Compared to some other antibiotics, erythrin has relatively less adverse effects and generally patient tolerance is better.


1. Drug dose: In general, erythrin is used in adults at a dose of 1.2 to 2g per day 3 to 4 oral doses; in children at 30 to 50 mg/kg per day 3 to 4 oral doses. The specific dose should be adjusted according to the age, weight and severity of the patient.

2. Medicinal route: oral or intravenous. For patients with a lighter condition, oral delivery is optional, and for patients with a heavier condition or who are unable to take oral treatment, intravenous dripping is possible.

3. Treatment: usually 10-14 days. However, the specific course of treatment should be determined on the basis of the patient ‘ s clinical symptoms, signs and laboratory results. If there is a marked improvement in the patient ‘ s symptoms during the treatment, the treatment may be shortened as appropriate; if there is no significant improvement in the symptoms or complications, an extension may be required.


1. Gastrointestinal reaction: One of the most common adverse effects of erythrin is gastrointestinal reaction, such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea. In order to mitigate gastrointestinal reaction, erythrin can be taken after meals or at the same time used to protect the gastric mucous membranes.

2. Damage to liver function: Long-term use of erythrin may cause damage to liver function, and therefore hepatic function should be periodically examined during treatment. In the event of an abnormal liver function, the treatment programme should be adjusted in a timely manner.

3. Allergies: A small number of patients may be allergic to erythrin, rashes, itching, respiratory difficulties, etc. In the event of an allergic reaction, the drug should be immediately discontinued and the corresponding allergy treated.

4. Drug interactions: erythromycin may interact with a number of drugs, such as when used with tea alkali drugs, which may lead to higher concentrations of tea alkaline blood medicines and increase the risk of poisoning; when shared with Wafalin, it may increase condensation. Therefore, when using erythrin, doctors should be informed of other drugs being used to avoid drug interaction.

In general, erythrin is one of the effective drugs used to treat syroid pneumonia, but in its use it should be strictly controlled with adaptive certificates, dosages and procedures, and care should be taken to observe adverse reactions. At the same time, Tink advises patients to take care to rest during their treatment, to improve their nutrition and to improve their own immunity, in order to promote recurrence and recovery.