“Glory Eyes: The Hidden Visual Killer.”
Among the many eye diseases, glaucoma is a very special and dangerous presence. It is a silent threat to the health of people ‘ s vision, like a clandestine killer.
The glaucoma is a group of diseases that share a common characteristic of nipple atrophy and indentation, loss of vision and loss of vision. The causes of the disease are mainly related to increased internal pressure. Our eyes are like a ball full of liquids, and the water in our eyes is constantly generated and drained to maintain the balance of eye pressure. When the balance between house water generation and discharge is broken, the eye pressure increases. This elevated eye pressure can put pressure on the optic nerve, which is gradually impaired, as it is when hand-pushing a fragile electrical wire for a long time, leading to a loss of vision and loss of vision.
The types of glaucoma are diverse, with original glaucoma more common. The primary open-angle glaucoma is hidden, early symptoms are virtually non-existent, and many patients are found to have lost some of their vision unconsciously. In contrast, the original closed-angle glaucoma is relatively acute, and patients may suddenly have symptoms such as eye swelling, eye pains, sharp loss of vision, headaches and even vomiting. This was due to the sharp increase in eye pressure in a short period of time, which had a severe impact on the optic nerve and other organizations in the eye.
High-risk populations need to be particularly vigilant about what happens. Those with glaucoma are at a much higher risk of disease than the general population, which indicates a certain genetic tendency. In addition, people with high levels of near-sightedness, far-sightedness, diabetes and the elderly are also highly luminous. As age increases, there will be some changes in the organizational structure of the eyes, which makes older persons more vulnerable to glaucoma, while the very structure of the eyes of the highly near-sighted and far-sighted people has some anomalies, which also creates a danger for the glaucoma.
Glaucoma treatment is a long-term process. The reduction of eye pressure is key to the treatment of glaucoma. Depending on the patient’s condition, medication, laser or surgical treatment is available. Drug treatments are mainly used to reduce the generation of house water or to facilitate its discharge, including through eye drops, thus reducing eye pressure. Laser treatment, on the other hand, is a relatively small method that can reduce eye pressure by changing the passage from the room. Surgery, such as sorghum, may be needed to improve the cycling of the water in the eye and to reduce the pressure.
Prevention of glaucoma is also very important. Regular eye examinations are an important tool for early detection of glaucoma. In particular, a comprehensive eye check is recommended for each year for high-risk groups. In everyday life, care must be taken to avoid long periods of eye use, emotional stability and overwork, which can lead to increased eye pressure and increase the risk of glaucoma.
Glaucoma is an eye disease that seriously threatens the health of the vision. Understanding its causes, symptoms, high-risk populations, treatment methods and preventive measures are essential to protect our eyes. It is only by raising awareness of glaucoma that early detection and early treatment can be achieved, with maximum protection of our vision.