What are the symptoms of the fallopian plug? Can we do the test tube?

What are the symptoms of the fallopian plug? Can we do the test tube?

For women, the tubal is “the path to life” and it is a path to child-rearing. If it is free, women will be free on the path to child-bearing, and if it is blocked, women may lose contact with the baby. What’s the symptoms of the tubing? Can you do a test tube? An in vitro baby expert at Kunming Avev Hospital answers that the tubing is usually associated with the symptoms of menstruation, abdominal discomfort, pain and infertility. The tubal plug leads to infertility and can be tested.

Concussion is a common gynaecology disease, which can make pregnancy difficult for women, as can be seen from some of the following:

1. Menstruation may affect the function of the ovaries by hysteria, which can lead to symptoms of irregular menstruation, excessive menstruation or excessive mestruation. Some women, for example, may experience longer or shorter menstruation cycles, the normal period of menstruation becomes disordered, and the number of menstruation may be significantly higher or lower than before.

2. Abdominal discomfort, with patients often feeling different levels of pain or depression in the lower abdomen, which may increase after menstruation, sexual life or labour. Some of the patients may also suffer from pain in the waist, which varies from human to minor and may affect daily life and work.

3. Infertility. Both spouses have a normal sexual life without using contraception, but have been unsuccessful for a long time. In general, if the pregnancy is more than one year unpregnant and other factors that may lead to infertility are excluded, consideration needs to be given to the possibility of tubing.

4. In the case of pain, some of the patients who suffer from tubal congestion suffer from pain during their menstrual period, and the degree of pain may be severe and aggravated. The pelvic chronic inflammation caused by tubal congestion can lead to pelvic haemorrhage, which during menstruation can be further aggravated, causing pain.

It should be noted that these symptoms are not specific to tubal clogged and that other gynaecological diseases may have similar symptoms. In the event of such symptoms, a medical examination should be carried out in a timely manner to identify the causes of the disease and to take appropriate treatment and, if necessary, an in vitro baby.

What are the symptoms of tubal congestion? Can you make an introduction to the test tube, please answer your question. If you have more questions about infertility or artificially assisted pregnancy, you can leave a message or search Kunming Aveveve Hospital for more information.