Can you cure the tumor if it spreads? Chinese doctors are always the strongest of you.
It is true that treatment is relatively more difficult when the tumor spreads, but it is still possible to treat and control the condition. While it is true that Chinese medicine, as an important component of traditional medicine, has a unique place and role to play in the treatment of tumours, it is also clear that Chinese medicine is not a panacea and that its effects vary according to factors such as individual differences, the severity of the disease and the timing of treatment.
The tumor spreads in two ways.
Local spread: If the tumor is less widespread, it is only partially diffused, and the tumor is less malignant, it is likely that the patient will receive treatment for the root operation and that after the surgery it will be accompanied by complementary treatment, such as decomposition, chemotherapy, etc., the likelihood of cure is relatively high.
Long-range spread: the likelihood of a cure is significantly reduced if the tumour spreads far away, while the tumour is of a higher degree of malignity, or the patient has shown resistance to treatment.
Role of Chinese medicine in oncology treatment
As a means of treating oncology, Chinese doctors can improve the quality of life of patients by adjusting their physical state, increasing their immunity and reducing the side effects of the de-polythecology.
Chinese medicine has had some effect on abating symptoms such as pain, oedema and inactivity from tumours. Acupuncture, push, Chinese medicine, etc. can ease the patient ‘ s symptoms and improve comfort.
The Chinese doctor emphasizes the holistic approach and the mental state of the patient. Through psychological guidance, middle-level care, etc., patients can be helped to build confidence in overcoming disease and to reduce anxiety and fear.
There is still a possibility of treatment after the tumour spread, and patients should be actively exposed to the disease and treated in cooperation with doctors. As an important component of traditional medicine, Chinese medicine does have a unique place and role in the treatment of tumours, and it is therefore necessary for patients to view its efficacy rationally when choosing Chinese medicine and to avoid the blind pursuit of a partial or secret formula. At the same time, there is a need to maintain a good mindset and living habits that seek to prolong the life of the child and improve the quality of life.
Oncological rehabilitation corridors in November 2024 (consultations are provided free of charge on a temporary basis until the end of the month)
We’re looking for 50 oncological patients, with a clinical teacher from a professional Chinese-Western medical team of specialists, to help you analyze the situation, so that you can understand the truth about the tumor!
# Don’t forget, ask attention #
I’ll teach you a good way to get rid of the disease!