ω-3 Fat acid: Guardian of Health

ω-3 Fat acid: Guardian of Health

In our daily diet, fatty acid intake is essential. The dietary fatty acids are divided into three main groups, namely saturated fatty acids, unsaturated fat acids alone and unsaturated fat acids. There are two important families among the necessary unsaturated fatty acids: thorium-6 and thorium-3. Numerous studies have shown the complex effects of diets rich in thorium-6 more than unsaturated fatty acids. On the one hand, it reduces the abundance of bacterium in the intestinal tract, while increasing the relative abundance of the boulders, the wired and the deforming. In in vitro experiments, large amounts of gill-6 fatty acid inhibit the adhesive and growth of cheese yogurt in slime, you know, cheese yogurt. In addition, large ingestion of thiramin-6-saturated fatty acid can lead to a reduction of cobblebacterium, which is also clinically common. Similarly, the high intake of unsaturated fatty acid is associated with increased bacterium abundance. In typical Western diets, thorium-6 fatty acid intake tends to be 15 to 16.7 times greater than thorium-3 fatty acid. However, over-ingestion can contribute to many diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, cancers, inflammations and self-immunological diseases. On the contrary, increasing the intake ratio of ω-3 would reduce the incidence of these diseases. By contrast, the ratio of ω-6 and ω-3 in the Mediterranean diet is more even. Meat is lower in the Mediterranean diet, with high levels of fatty acid in meat. And it has a higher share of foods that contain fatty-3 acid, such as whole grain, fruit, vegetables, fish, olive oil, garlic and a small amount of wine. That is why people who follow the Mediterranean diet are less likely to suffer from heart disease. So, what food is rich in gill-3 fat acid? First, fish, salmon, tuna, mackerels, trout, sardines, etc., are rich in a large amount of gill-3 fatty acid, especially EPA and DHA. When we taste these delicious seafish, we not only enjoy the taste of beauty, but also feed the body with important nutrients. Qiaseeds, linen seeds, walnuts, etc. in nuts contain a wealth of alpha-syroidic acid, which can be partially transformed into EPA and DHA in humans. Eating a nut in the leisure time will satisfy the appetite of the mouth and will help in health. Vegetable oils containing higher α-sulfo-sulfosee oils, which use them in cooking, can add a unique flavor to the food but also to the health benefits. Shells like oysters and scallops also contain a certain amount of fatty acid, which is a good choice for seafood lovers. Green leaves and vegetables, such as spinach, kale, and so on, although they have relatively low fatty acid levels, are also one of their sources, and eating green leaves and vegetables makes our diet more diverse. Maintaining the state of health should ensure a balance between ω-6 fatty acid and ω-3 fatty acid. Different proportions have a different impact on different diseases, for example, the ratio of ω-6 to ω-3 has helped to reduce the inflammation performance of persons with rheumatism arthritis at 2 – 3:1; the ratio of 5:1 has a beneficial effect on asthma patients, while the ratio of 10:1 has a negative impact; and the ratio of 2.5:1 has a inhibitive effect on the growth of tumour cells in colon cancer patients, but the ratio of 4:1 has no effect. In secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases, the ratio of 4:1 is relevant to the reduction of the overall mortality rate. Researchers have also found that polysaturated fatty acid-3 also has a positive impact on intestinal microorganisms: when supplementing adults with lysergic-3 lysergic acid, intestinal microbes show a decrease in festeracteria and an increase in intestinal microbes, which is associated with the increase in the synthesis of anti-inflammatory compounds, such as short-chain fatty acid; lysergic algae-3 unsaturated fatty acids can affect “intestinal-brain axis” by regulating the composition of intestinal bacteria; and lysergic acid-3 interactions with animal intestinal microbes contribute to the maintenance of the integrity of the intestinal musculin. For our health, we should choose more food in our daily diets with fatty acids, while keeping the balance between gill-6 and gill-3 fat acids. Let us begin from now on, with our hearts and minds, to adapt our diets and to lay a solid foundation for our health.