High blood pressure.
High blood pressure is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, the most common cardiovascular disease and the most important risk factor for brain and coronary disease, known as the “intangible killer” that affects human health. Education promotes a scientifically sound way of life, the prevention of hypertension and the importance of treating hypertension. High blood pressure is a chronic disease that seriously endangers the health of our population. The State is increasing its efforts to combat hypertension, to promote health management with a focus on high-risk groups and to promote the forward movement of control points. After many years of effort, the level of knowledge, treatment and control of hypertension has continued to increase, and the response has progressed considerably. The State has a standard procedure for the development of diagnostic criteria for diseases such as hypertension. Guides, consensus papers, etc., issued by professional bodies, trade associations, individuals, etc., are the results of expert research and do not constitute national standards for disease diagnosis. With regard to the criteria for the diagnosis of hypertension, the points of information, the guidelines for prevention and treatment, the clinical path, etc., issued by the National Health Administration in 2005, 2010 and 2017, are clear: the criteria for the diagnosis of hypertension in adults are three times higher than 140/90 mmHg in the same day. At present, there is no adjustment to the adult hypertension diagnostic criteria. The State will continue to provide high blood pressure prevention and early intervention, strengthen the health management of high-risk groups and patients, effectively reduce the development of cardiovascular diseases caused by high blood pressure and ensure the physical health of the population. In order to increase the population’s understanding of hypertension, all the little knowledge and advice about hypertension is now coming together into several pieces.
High blood pressure is a clinical syndrome that increases the body circulation artery, increases the resistance of the surrounding small artery, and is accompanied by varying degrees of heart drain and increased blood capacity.
Hypertensive means a clinical syndrome in which no less than 140 mm/Hg or no less than 90 mm/Hg are measured at no less than three times in the same day without the use of a pressure relief drug. For patients who have taken depressive drugs, blood pressure may be less than 140/90 mmHg or more than 140/90 mmHg. High blood pressure is the result of the interplay of genetic and environmental factors such as diet, stress and smoking.
High blood pressure diagnostic “Three points”
High blood pressure diagnosis `Three points’: dispensary blood pressure is predominant, 140/90 mmHg is bounded, and three over-specified tests are performed on the same day. 1 The dispensary blood pressure is predominant because of the standard operating requirements of blood pressure measurements and the inaccuracy of family sphygmomanometers, the diagnosis of hypertension is performed by a doctor.
High blood pressure is a clinical syndrome of constrictive and constrictive pressure increase as the main characteristic, which can be associated with functional or instrumental damage to organs such as heart, brain, kidney, etc. Depending on the blood pressure level, it can be divided into Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3.
What is the reason why, with age, the blood pressure of the middle-aged has gradually increased and is dominated by the contractionary pressure? Because the blood vessels of the elderly population are becoming hardened with age, the vascular cavity becomes narrower and the pressure within the vascular is increasing accordingly.
1 Symptoms: During the initial period of high blood pressure, many patients may not have visible symptoms and may have symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, neck tightening, fatigue, heart attack, ringing, blurred vision.
2 Reason: n causes of hypertension are more complex, including genetic factors, bad lifestyle, age growth, obesity, certain diseases, etc.
3 Hazards: If high blood pressure is not effectively controlled in the long term, it can cause damage to vital organs such as the heart, brain, kidney, eye, which can cause coronary heart disease, heart failure, moderate cardiovascular disease of the brain, kidney failure, retina disease, etc.
Treatment: Lifestyle improvements: low-saline diet, adequate exercise, weight control, smoking and alcohol cessation, good mentalities, etc. Drug treatment: Doctors are required to select appropriate depressive drugs, such as urea, calcium route retardants, vascular stressors, vascular stressor II receptors, etc., taking into account the specific circumstances of the patient and following the principle of individualized treatment. Blood pressure is regularly measured to understand the state of his/her blood pressure, and once high blood pressure has been diagnosed, treatment and lifestyle adjustments should be carried out in strict compliance with the doctor ‘ s recommendation, and no self-inflicted drugs or detoxification should be allowed.
Health education
(1) Take care of the combination of effort and ensure adequate sleep. A small amount of tranquilizers can be used, as appropriate, to avoid excessive brain and physical loads and to remove stress.
(2) Appropriate physical exercise contributes to the restoration of high blood pressure, but for persons with moderate and severe high blood pressure, physical activity with high activity should be avoided.
(3) Non-smoking, diet and diet, with low salt, low fat and low cholesterol.
(4) Control of body weight, and low-intensity hypertension tend to restore blood pressure by reducing weight.
(5) For persons with high blood pressure family history who have experienced an increase in their blood pressure, regular follow-up visits by doctors facilitate early detection and early treatment.
High blood pressure.