The adverse effects of breast cancer in the course of endocrine treatment?

The adverse effects of breast cancer in the course of endocrine treatment?

Endocrinology treatment, as one of the integrated treatment methods for breast cancer, has the main effect of drug control of hormonal levels in patients for the purpose of inhibiting tumour cell growth. However, in the course of treatment, patients may experience a series of adverse reactions, and understanding and responding effectively to these responses are key to guaranteeing treatment effectiveness. The adverse reaction of the skeletal system The endocrine treatment often affects the bone density of patients and increases the risk of osteoporosis. Patients may suffer from disorders such as bone pain, joint pain, and may even cause fractures in serious cases. The patient should therefore undergo regular bone density tests during the treatment and follow the doctor ‘ s recommendation to replenish calcium and vitamin D in order to prevent or mitigate the decline in bone density. The negative reaction of the reproductive system Some endocrine drugs may have effects on the patient’s reproductive system, such as increased uterine membranes and irregular vaginal bleeding. In such cases, the patient should closely follow his or her own symptoms and, in the case of abnormal or irregular bleeding over a long period of time, should be examined in a timely manner to ensure that no other complications occur. The long-term process of internal partition treatment can lead to emotional changes such as depression, anxiety, etc. This is because changes in hormonal levels in the body and the stress of treatment often lead to changes in the mental state of the patient. In such cases, family members and health-care providers are required to pay close attention to the patient ‘ s mental state, to encourage the patient to participate in useful social and psychological activities and to help the patient to respond positively to the problems of the treatment process. iv. Other common adverse effects, in addition to some of the above-mentioned common adverse effects, can be the result of digestive symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. In the case of these symptoms, the patient should follow the medical instructions to rationalize the diet and, at the same time, cooperate with the use of assistive drugs to alleviate the symptoms. In summary, endocrine treatment, while effective in controlling breast cancer, can also result in a range of adverse effects. Patients need to be fully aware of these adverse reactions and receive reasonable treatment and maintenance under the guidance of a doctor to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment and the quality of life.