I’ve heard a couple of things about stings during the hysteria.

I’ve heard a couple of things about stings during the hysteria.

You know, you used to have to be anesthetized. Essentially, it’s in terms of stinging and post-surgery. With the development of anaesthesia and rapid advances in extra-scientific science and technology, and the higher quality of post-operative recovery requirements for a large number of patients, we in anaesthesia give high priority to and make some clinical observations of the patient ‘ s pain in our clinical work. The two-pronged treatment of pre-operative neurobaric anesthesia and pre-prevalence pain was achieved. Better results are essential for the rapid recovery of patients and for post-operative complications. It hurts, it hurts, it controls, it cuts out, it makes you painless! No Pain Surgery gills can cause a series of adverse consequences. Effective pain management can promote the comfort of patients, accelerate their recovery, and reduce the occurrence of complications. With regard to pain, the 1937 International Association for Pain Research defined pain as an unpleasant and emotional feeling, accompanied by existing or potential organizational damage. Pain has a dual meaning, pain and pain. Pain is a conscious phenomenon, it is an individual ‘ s subjective and conscious experience, influenced by an individual ‘ s psychological, personality, experience, emotional and cultural background, which is manifested in pain and anxiety. Pain response is a series of physiological and psychological changes resulting from the body ‘ s stress on pain, such as acute breathing, rising blood pressure, sweating, psychological distress, anxiety and depression. Pain can lead to a series of adverse consequences, and effective pain management can promote the comfort of patients, accelerate their recovery and reduce the occurrence of complications. Pain hazard  01 Increased oxygen consumption The sensibility of the nervous system increases overall oxygen consumption, with adverse effects on the ischaemic organs. Effects on cardiovascular functions: high heart rate, blood vessels constriction, increased cardiac load, increased oxygen consumption of myocardial muscles, increased risk of myocardiosis and myocardial infarction for coronary patients. The effect on the respiratory function The pain leads to a lack of robust coughing, leading to reduced post-operative lung function and post-operative lung complications. 04 Impacts on gastrointestinal motor functions lead to reduced gastrointestinal creeping and delays in gastrointestinal restoration. The effect of 05 on the urology system’s functioning is a decrease in the mobility of the urine and bladder muscles, causing urine to remain. The effect on the musculoskeletal muscle system is increased muscle tension, muscle spasms, limiting body activity and promoting the formation of deep veins. The effect on the neuroendocrine system has increased neuroendocrine stress, triggered post-operative high condensation and immunosuppression. The impact on mental health can lead to anxiety, fear, helplessness, depression, discontent, excessive sensitivity, frustration, frustration, and panic among family members. 09 Sleep disorders can have adverse emotional and behavioural effects. Pain is inevitable, no assessment and no treatment. Fear of pain, pain can withstand pain, pain can endure pain, pain intervention, necessity, stress reduction, stress reduction, heart-vascular system complications, pain management, pulmonary disease incidence reduction, dysentery dysentery incidence, dysentery dysentery, dysentery dysentery, dysentery dysentery, dysentery dysentery, dysentery, improvement of body immunity, recovery of sleep, how to deal with pain, how to explain to medical personnel the need to know about pain, and to assess pain in cooperation with medical personnel. (b) Low incidence of pain-related adverse effects; Analgesics 1 non-aphrodisiacs such as fluoroprofenthrin, ketonic acid, chloronosicone, sodium dichlorphenate, etc. Inflammatory media are suppressed, so that they are resistant to inflammation, addiction and lazyness. 2 Opioids such as morphine, fentanyl, fentanyl, fentanyl, etc. The pain is powerful and much of it is used for severe pain. However, there are often side effects such as sedition, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and skin itching, and if they occur, please inform the medical staff in a timely manner. (b) 2 acupuncture pain treatment;