We’ve got a lot of work to do with this.
Winter is a challenge as well as an opportunity for typhoid patients. As temperatures decline, human metabolism decreases, but at the same time it creates conditions conducive to stabilization and recovery. This season, with the right treatments and care points, can make the treatments of the blizzards more effective. The following is a detailed description of the key strategies for the treatment of winter phoenix, which will help you to better respond to the challenges of winter and speed up the rehabilitation process.
1. Scientific medicine
The drying of the skin during the winter and the choice of appropriate wetting drugs can both alleviate skin discomfort and assist in improving treatment. At the same time, care is taken to avoid the use of highly irritant drugs, which may increase the skin burden.
2. Wetting and heating
The winter climate is dry and cold, and special attention should be paid to skin humidification and the use of warm and unirrigated skins to avoid dry skin cracks. At the same time, it is reasonable to keep warm and to prevent infectious diseases such as cold, so as not to aggravate them.
3. Dietary adjustment
A balanced diet is essential for people with typhoid. Food intakes with vitamin B, E and micronutrients, such as bananas, nuts, seaweeds, celery, etc., should be increased during the winter, contributing to increased immunity and the promotion of pigmentation.
4. Reductions in travel
In the winter, when cold, typhoid patients should minimize outing and avoid skin exposure to extreme weather. Protection measures, such as sunscreening, hats, gloves, etc., should be put in place in case of outing.
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