Breast cancer control

Breast cancer prevention and control is the most common malignant neoplasm in China, with the first female to suffer from malignant neoplasms, the “first red-faced killer”. The burden of breast cancer is increasing, and morbidity and mortality rates are among the highest, posing a serious threat to women ‘ s health. At the same time, we are demonstrating the existence of large rural/urban disparities and uneven regional distribution, as well as the necessary and challenging efforts to combat cancer. With the support of the policy of the Health China Initiative (2019-2030), health literacy, primary prevention and in-depth research should be strengthened, and the results of breast cancer screening should be improved, so that early detection, diagnosis and treatment can be achieved, so that the burden of breast cancer disease can be effectively controlled and so that the ambitious goals of healthy China can be achieved.Methods of response The expert stressed that women should marry and have children at the marriageable age, that maternity was of great benefit to women, and that women who did not give birth to breast-milk were more likely to suffer from breast disease than women who had experienced pregnancy and childbirth. At the same time, breast-feeding of a female child after childbirth contributes to her natural health and reduces the risk of breast cancer. There is also an increased risk of breast cancer among women and older women who choose to remain infertility for life. It is recommended that women in urban areas be adequately involved in sports, living patterns and physical and psychological well-being for the benefit of breast health. Up to the age of 40, a breast health check is performed every year, and video screening of B supermix and molybdenum targets facilitates the timely detection of breast problems.1. Self-examination Every month, every woman is self-inspected on the fifth day after the end of her period. This is done by hand soaping the breast with the fingertips and the fingertips and a clockwise stroke, as well as armpits and clavicles. The early breast cancer of many patients cannot be felt, so it cannot rely entirely on self-inspection, and it is even more important to have regular hospital examinations!2. Doctoral access Specialized doctors are experienced, and it is more accurate to judge the presence or absence of swelling in a touch manner. This simple touch can screen a significant proportion of patients.Three, B super and molybdenum. When doctors suspect that the breast is swollen, they have to do a B super and molybdenum test, which can be used to determine the size and location of the swollen. It is recognized that mammoth mammograms and B super-screening are the most commonly used and most effective means of screening for breast cancer.