I’m in charge of my health.

I am in charge of the health of women, and the high incidence of breast disease in recent years, which threatens the health of women in general! Don’t let mammosis steal your health.A few common questions about breast disease.1. Can breast massage prevent breast disease?Breast massage prevention is not reliable. “It is a huge mistake for many people to think that a massage of the chest would prevent mammary disease, causing many women to spend thousands of dollars on chest beauty.” Life is characterized by a lack of affection and food, which can cause a lack of air, condensation, bruises and a strain on the breast. In the prevention of breast diseases, greater emphasis should be placed on emotional and emotional development, living patterns, a rational diet and periodic screening. When there is swelling in the breast, do not expect massages to recede, and if the swelling in the breast is breast cancer, massages can also cause tumor proliferation.2. Food, environment, genes … Who is behind breast cancer?Breast cancer has a number of risk factors: 1 above all genetic factors, which affect 6-10 per cent of breast cancer. The earlier the first wave, the later the menopause, the higher the risk of breast cancer. Poor lifestyles such as smoking, drinking, obesity and lack of exercise. Environmental pollution. High estrogen in the body. The use of estrogens, such as hormonal cosmetics and estrogen substitution treatment, also increases the risk of breast cancer. In terms of diet, ingestion of high-energy foods, such as fried food, is one of the major causes of breast cancer. Thus, the Mediterranean diet is promoted, in which the components of olive oil protect the breast.3. Soybeans, snow clams, beehive marmalade … The web of food can cause breast cancer.Bean products are rich in soybeans and soybeans have a two-way modulated estrogen, which is used in female adolescence and is protective of the breast, “and by mid-life, no matter how much they are eaten, it has no impact on the breast”. In the case of breast cancer, ER-positive patients can also normally eat beans, but PPR-positive and triple-vaginal breast cancers are not recommended. The fear of snow clams is justified because chemical estrogens have an impact on breast health. Smoking and drinking are primary carcinogens of breast cancer. While wine protects the cardiovascular environment, care must be taken that any alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer. Ingestion of folic acid reduces the risk of breast cancer due to alcohol consumption. And soy milk, green tea and coffee are all good for breast health.Breast cancer in four or more immediate families, with an assessment of the risk of cancer!The rates of early detection of cancer, early treatment, especially early breast cancer, are now very high. Zero-stage breast cancer is still an invisible and hand-stamping phase, and it is therefore recommended that women over 25 start regular breast screening; women over 40 should be tested for molybdenum, which can be seen in very small cases. It is not recommended that the breast pressure test be self-imposed, “the leaner woman, any pressure will hurt”. Women with family genetic factors are more concerned with regular breast examinations. If two or more immediate family members have breast cancer or ovarian cancer, the risk of breast cancer will be assessed by means of a genetic test at BRCA1 and BRCA2.