The error and truth of antibacterial drugs in our daily lives.

The error and truth of antibacterial drugs in our daily lives.

The wrongs and truths of antibacterial drugs are very widely used in our daily lives, commonly known as antibiotics, but there are many misconceptions about them. Understanding these areas of error and the truth behind them will help us to use antibacterial drugs more rationally and to maintain our own health. I. Misdemeanour: Antibacterial drugs are the truth of antiinflammation: Antibacterial drugs and anti-inflammatory drugs are two very different concepts. Anti-bacterial drugs are mainly used against micro-organisms such as bacteria, secondarys and chlamydia to treat infections by inhibiting or eliminating them. Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin andprofen, are non-inflammatory drugs, which do not directly target microorganisms, but reduce inflammatory symptoms by inhibiting inflammatory agents. Many mispercept that antibacterial drugs can treat all inflammation, and in practice antibacterial drugs are ineffective for inflammation caused by viruses, allergies, etc. Even the abuse of antibacterial drugs can inhibit and kill useful strains in humans, causing herbological disorders and reducing resistance. Second: Mistake: Antibacterial drugs can treat the cold truth: mostly caused by the virus, and antibacterial drugs are ineffective against the virus. As a result, the use of antibacterial drugs is not only incurable, but can also pose unnecessary drug side effects and risks for viral influenza. Of course, if a cold is caused by bacteria (e.g. bacterial osteoporosis, bacterial sinusitis, etc.), appropriate antibacterial drugs need to be used under medical supervision. However, this is relatively few and needs to be determined by a doctor ‘ s professional diagnosis. III. Mistakes: The truth is that the symptoms are better: the use of antibacterial drugs requires a certain course of treatment. Even if the symptoms have improved, the whole course of treatment should be completed in a timely manner and in a timely manner. Since the process of anti-bacterials in the body requires a period of time to be effective, such as absorption, distribution, metabolic, excretion, etc. Discontinuation may lead to incomplete treatment, a rebound and even resistance. Resistance means that bacterial antibacterials produce resistance, rendering antibacterials sterile. Once bacteria produce resistance, treatment becomes more difficult and may even lead to a situation where there is no cure. IV. Mistakes: new drugs, precious drugs must be the truth: the efficacy of anti-bacterial drugs is not directly related to the price. Each antibacterial drug has its own specific antibacterial spectrum and accommodative symptoms. The selection of antibacterial drugs should be considered in the light of the type of pathogens, the area of infection, their metabolic characteristics and the individual differences of the patient. New or expensive drugs are not necessarily more effective than old or cheap ones. Some of the old drugs have long-term clinical applications, and their efficacy is stable and the adverse effects are clear; while some new drugs, while expensive, may have unknown side effects or risks. V. Mistakes: The infection requires the truth: oral antibacterial drugs can normally meet the demand for treatment for light and moderate infections. Although intravenous infusion (twilight drops) can rapidly increase the concentration of the drug in the body, it may also pose unnecessary risks, such as intravenous disease, allergies, etc. In addition, intravenous infusion needs to take place in a hospital or clinic, which not only is time-consuming and labour-intensive, but may also increase the risk of cross-infection. Therefore, where possible, priority should be given to oral antibacterial drugs for treatment. It is a double-edged sword that can also cause harm to the human body while destroying pathogens. Thus, in the use of anti-bacterial drugs, we should follow the guidance of a doctor and use them rationally to avoid abuse and misuse. At the same time, we need to increase our self-health awareness, improve physical immunity and prevent disease, including through proper diet and adequate exercise.