Is breast cancer no longer on its own?
Wang Pei-hong.
Whether mammograms disappear on their own will depends on a number of factors, including the nature, size, symptoms and personal circumstances of the patient, as follows:
The potential for self-disappearment is associated with endocrine disorders, especially during women’s menstruation, where hormonal levels change and there may be benign mammograms. As menstruation ends or hormonal levels stabilize, there is a risk that the knot may recede. By changing bad living habits (e.g., avoiding staying up late, keeping up in a good mood) and eating habits (e.g., diet, avoiding spicy, greasy foods), it is also possible that the healthy and smaller knots may recede. Post-menopausal hormone changes Decline in ovarian function after menopause, possible decrease in estrogen levels, reduction of estrogen exposure in the breast, and self-release of smaller or mild mammograms.
If mammograms are caused by diseases such as mammitis, mammograms, breast cancer, etc., they usually do not recede, especially malignant mammograms, which require timely treatment. The larger size or severe symptoms of mammograms, which are larger or more severe, usually do not recede on their own, regardless of their bad health, may have a significant impact on the health of the patient and require timely medical intervention.
Treatment recommendations Periodic monitoring: For benign no apparent symptoms, regular mammography examinations can be conducted at hospitals to observe changes in the nodal. Scrambling biopsy: In case of a suspicious or malignant risk, the doctor may recommend a scrambling biopsy to determine its nature. Drug treatment: For certain types of benign node or hormone dependent node, hormonal drugs may be used to inhibit the growth of node, subject to medical guidance. Surgery treatment: The treatment is required for larger, fast-growing mammograms or for the diagnosis of malignant knots.
Based on the above, whether mammograms disappear on their own will varies from one individual to another. Upon detection of mammograms, patients should be treated in a timely manner and thoroughly examined to identify diagnostic and therapeutic programmes. At the same time, the maintenance of good habits and mentalities helps to promote the decline or control of mammography.