Two yang-negative breast cancer.

Two yang-negative breast cancer.

I’d like to introduce two positives and one negative breast cancer, which is a general statement, and we’re dealing with ER, PR, a positive hormonal receptor. Then why are you talking about the patients? Because breast cancer accounts for the highest proportion of two-positive patients, about 75 per cent, and 3/4 of the population are two-positive patients, i.e. hormonal receptors, who express positive. Her-2 negative, KI67 or high or low is possible, so what are they like, why? Because their hormone receptors are positive, representing such groups, they can benefit from endocrine treatment. So the simple back side goes to explain to you that when the estrogen in your body, the estrogen corresponds to the ER receptor, and the prognogen represents the receptor. You’re like a woman. She’s normal menstrual. So this female hormonal and this receptor on our tumour will let us. To become a process that we see, a rapid growth of the tumor, that is, the estrogen that we produce in our body, stimulates the rapid growth of the tumor. So that’s one of the core elements of his treatment follow-up. I’m going to start by saying that we’re usually two or two reasons for a perforation, or for a direct surgery to remove a physical diagnosis, which is more similar, different from the other types, and more. Three or three, or three, different types. When he is diagnosed with this type of stabbing, we also give priority to surgery, which means that whether the stabbing is it or the scrutinizing is it, we are in no different order than an operation, then follow up, and so on. Then we’ll go back to the piercing. Why do the piercing take me one by two? Not new, because of this type of treatment, which is less effective than the newly assisted chemotherapy, the tumor is likely to increase during the new assisted chemotherapy, and probably, probably, the rate, so most doctors do not want the patient to take it. At a time when the risk is taking me to treat the swelling and it’s still growing fast, the shock may be very frustrating for the patient himself and for the doctor. So this type, in our experience, is less effective than new assisted chemotherapy. We will therefore choose to do the operation first, as soon as it is most appropriate to do it as early as possible to clean it.

Breast cancer