The case of acute leukaemia is shared among older women with case information, who are in the health of a patient who has been in the health of a platinum for more than five years, with blood pressure of up to 145/80 mm/Hg, who is treated with pressure “for Mishattan”, “Bethalek”, which is controlled by blood pressure, denies the history of hepatitis, has no history of tuberculosis, denies the history of malaria, denies the history of close contact, denies the history of heart disease, denies the history of diabetes, cerebrovascular disease, mental illness, denies the history of surgery, has no history of trauma, has a history of blood transfusion: one blood transfusion, last blood transfusion time is 2022-05-31, has no blood transfusion response, is type A, denies the history of food medications and prevents inoculation. As a result of the “two weeks reduction in whole blood cells” which took place in my unit for the first time in 2022-06, one patient suffered from cold, cold, cough-free, chest pain-free and chest-drilling conditions after two weeks, 2022-05-25 found in local community hospitals a decrease in blood circulation, no special medical treatment, followed by a patient’s visit to an all-blood complex: 2022-05-28 blood pattern: white cell 3.91 * 109/L, red cell 3.04 * 1012/L, haemoglobin protein 94 00g/L, small plate 29 * 109/L, post-institutional improvement of bone marrow puncture: 2022-05-30 bone marrow nucleonic increase, G/E=2.251, abnormal increase in pelts, see 58 per cent of the original pelt, red chronal increase at the end of the night, no increase in the size of the bone marrow, no increase in the size of the chronal st. Osteomosis: HE and PAS dyes indicate an extremely active increase in bone marrow (80-90 per cent), a widespread increase in the number of cells at the infant stage, the spread of the chromosomal cells at the stage of maturation, the small size of the macronucleus cells and the preponderance of the nucleus; an increase in the fibrous tissues and the dyeing of the mesh fibres (MR-1, the associated MF-2). Fluid cytological examination: AML-compliant, with the particle system dominated by premature particle cells, SSC reduction, CD13/CD16, CD13/CD11b split antigen expression abnormal, red system CD36, CD71 less expression. The immunisation of leukaemia with POX: MPO leukaemia cells (+), after which the patient requests to be discharged from the hospital, then goes to my hospital for further treatment. The clinic is institutionalized with “acute marrow leukaemia”. Since the onset of the disease, the patient has been sensibly, mentally, eating, sleeping with no significant increase in weight. 2. Medical examination: T: 36.3°C, P: 97 minutes, R: 24 minutes, BP: 144/86mmHg. The body’s body has no point in bleeding, the surface lymph nosy has not touched the swelling, the CPR has no apparent abnormality, the abdominal softness, the pain of no pressure and the pain of the acreage, the liver, the underside of the spleen has not been touched and the lower limbs have not swelled. 3.2022-05-28 Hemological: White cell 3.91*109/L, red cell 3.04*1012/L, haemoglobin 94.00g/L, blood plate 29*109/L. The leukemia mellitus is associated with 29 negative genes. Magnetic leukaemia gene mutation screening: IDH 1 43.2%, NPM 1 43.8%, SRSF 247.3%II. Preliminary diagnosis: acute marrow leukaemia (IDH1 43.2 per cent, NPM1 43.8 per cent, SRSF243.3 per cent), sphygmophygmolytic disease (HBL) III, treatment: improved examination after admission to hospital, 2022-06-06 blood control (netless red) +CRP: haemoglobin 84.00g/L, C-resynthetic protein 91.37mg/l, white cell count 3.80*109/L, mesomatic particle count 0.35*109/L, single nucleocellometer count 0.66*109/L, slab count 27.00*109/L; haemocondensity: D-dipolyte determination of 1270.00g/ml, fibrecoglobin protein 5.67g/L, original time 13.70c, active cystalc time 31.70sec; hepatal: e.g. e. e. L7.l.l.l.l.L.l.l.l.l.l.A.A. 2022-06-07 cardiac ultrasound: 1. Retrospective (light) of the twilight (light) of the twilight (light) of the twirl (light) of the twilight of the left room; 3. High pressure of the pulmonary artery (light). 2022-06-29 chest CT: intrapulmonary inflammation of inflammation, cylindrical tumours in the lower right lung, inflammation? Full mind. After the ban on chemotherapy was removed, the IA programme was given chemotherapy at 2022-06-08, with specific medications: 10 mg d1.2, 20 mg d3, Amalgamite 200 mg d1-7, with treatment for stomach, liver, vomiting and alkaline. The patient ‘ s blood is declining, heated, blood is bred with a styphus fibrosis, fungi G test 60.81 pg/ml, fungi GM test 0.54 pg/ml, then combined anti-infection treatments for aminobenan, linamamine, poshaconol and volitconium, and treatments for haemorrhaging, prevention of haemorrhage, infusion blood, potassium refilling, urine, etc. The patient’s plate is extremely low and the infusion of the infusion is ineffective, and the application of the tablets, the application of the prop and the TPO receptor agonists are given. 2022-06-28 Review of haemoglobin +CRP: haemoglobin 73.00g/L, C Reacting Protein 100.10mg/l, White Cell Count 4.60*109/L, Moderate Particle Count 3.53*109/L, Red Cell Count 2.46*1012/L, Sculpture Count 53.00*109/L. The patient’s blood elephant is recovered and the bone is assessed at 2022-06-28, with bone marrow: 1. Picking material, coating, dyeing well, small particles (+), oil droplets (±). 2. The bone marrow is clearly active. 3. The primary grains account for 1.5 per cent and the visible primary and small single nucleotope cells account for 3.5 per cent. 4. The increase in the percentage of the particle system can be seen in the increase in the number and weight of most of the particles and in the absence of a small number of them, as well as in the imbalance in the development of some of them. The proportion of the red system has been reduced and the size of mature red cells has varied slightly. lymphocytes account for 3 per cent. 7. A total of 24 giant nuclear cells were found in the entire film, with 22 particles and 2 plate sizes, and the nucleus nucleus were found to be nucleic deformities, with small slabs scattered and rare. Blood tablets: White cell numbers can be found in infant granular cells; mature red cells and plateboards describe the same bone marrow. Diagnosis: acute marrow leukaemia review: this part of the bone marrow puncture can be found in the original marrow cell (original + original) of 3.5 per cent and in the juvenile unit of 1.5 per cent. Fluid: See 9.12*10-3 abnormally primitive cells in bone marrow. The exclusion of chemotherapy is prohibited by 2022-7-13, 2022-8-14, 2022-09-21, for the +Vinekra programme (total of 3 sessions), specifically 40mg d1-5, and 400mg d1-14 for liver, stomach and stomach protection, and stop-to-pust treatment in West Tatra. The rest of the treatment is in West Catalina + Venekra, and the condition is stable. Acute leukaemia
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