Breast Rebuilding – Recovering Beauty

Advances in the whole-system treatment have improved the prognosis of breast cancer, leaving patients with a higher demand for post-operative physiology; breast rehabilitation is appropriate for women who are prepared for or have undergone mastectomy for various reasons, or who suffer from a marked mammography disfigurement as a result of breast protection surgery; the gap between the rate of breast reconstruction in China and that of the rest of the world is more marked, with the rate of breast rehabilitation in developed countries at 25.6 per cent, compared with only 5 per cent in China; and the main reasons for the constraints on breast rehabilitation in China are mainly the higher surgical requirements, the longer life cycle of the human brain, the lack of teamwork by the team and the concerns about the safety of the tumor.

The procedure for breast rehabilitation is divided into: one, new breast-pulse surgery; two, prosthetic implantation into a construction operation; and three, in a construction operation for the transplantation of font materials.

What’s the timing of the reconstruction operation? The timing of breast rehabilitation depends on a number of factors, but the key to deciding whether to rebuild or delay a breast immediately lies in the need for radiotherapy and whether it has an impact on the new breast.

1. Immediate breast rehabilitation: early breast cancer, which is highly likely to be cured, can be performed in a single anesthesia while breast removal is taking place; the advantages of this approach are that it preserves a critical anatomical structure, that the patient does not experience the psychological stress of breast loss, avoids the pain of local inducing and twitching, has a better plasticization, reduces trauma and saves on surgery. Delayed breast rehabilitation: The advantage of this approach is that patients can take full account of the means of rehabilitation and have adequate psychological and physical preparation.

Post-operative care is the key to the success of breast rehabilitation, after which patients should keep their wounds clean and dry and periodically change the gauze; avoid intense sports, lighten diets, improve nutrition, promote healing and physical rehabilitation; take medication in accordance with medical orders to prevent infection; keep their moods open, share their feelings and needs with their families and friends, enhance self-awareness and value and reduce stress; and regular review and follow-up are equally important.

Breast cancer